Birds of a Feather - Freewrite Day 494 Entry - Prompt: Mom and Dad
Hello friends. I hope that you're doing well :)
This is my response to the Freewrite prompt, a daily writing exercise that I am really enjoying doing. Thank you @mariannewest for hosting these.
I’ve been challenging myself to make all of the freewrites I do match a particular theme. So far, I have made them about wild animals that tend to get a bad reputation, and am finding it to be a very enjoyable challenge. I’d be curious if anyone else had any other suggestions.
Prompt: “Mom and Dad”
The little chick awoke from his slumber with a start, as his mom landed by the nest. He cheeped as loudly as he could, because he was hungry and wanted some food. Before she gave him any, she hopped over to his dad, who was standing guard while she looked for food. She put her featherless head up against his black feathered chest, nuzzling against it a few times as a greeting.
The chick peeped again, indignant that he should be ignored. He tried hopping over towards his mom and dad, but fell over. His dad extended a wing, and righted him, as his mom came by with some of the meat that she had scavenged nearby. Being vultures in this area had its benefits, as the other animals did all their hunting for them. They just had to collect the leftovers.
As she fed her chick, she reminisced about all the other babies that she and her partner had produced over the years. They had many children, and occasionally saw some of their older children in the area. Some had left for far away places, following the urge to explore. Regardless of where their children were in the world though, they would always be their mom and dad.
I was not really sure what animal to write about for this one, but after some googling, I came across the black vulture. They mate for life, as is fairly common amongst birds, and fit the bill of an animal with a bad reputation.

Vultures serve a very beneficial role in ecosystems though, as most scavengers do, cleaning up other dead animals. I’ve always found the natural method of body disposal to be superior to how humans do it. It abides by the cycle of life, instead of how humans currently end the cycle at death and hide away our bodies. Maybe someday this practice will change. Who knows?
I am looking for a partner for the we-write contest if anyone is interested. You can find details here.
If you’re interested in writing with me, please send me a message on discord, my username is nmcdougal#1503, or on Telegram.
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