#DailyFreeWriteChallenge: Day 111 - Dreams

in #freewrite7 years ago

I've been writing down my dreams in a journal for the past few months. Not consistently. But when I remember in the morning I jot down the crazy thoughts that come to mind. Sometimes I'm embarrassed by what I've dreamt about. You never know what your subconscious might come up with while you're sleeping.

There are times that I see people who I haven't thought about in years. Grouped together with other people who have no business being in the same room as each other. It's pretty crazy when you dream in places that you've never been before. How did I even come up with that place? Is it just a collection of memories that get morphed together and transform into something new and beautiful? Or maybe something new and terrifying. Or frightening.

Photo by Andreas Wagner on Unsplash

When I was younger I had a reoccurring dreamt hat led me to waking up in hot sweats before getting ready for school. I dreamed that it was the apocalypse. It was up to me and my team of friends to save the world. I was a big power ranger fan growing up so I think that might have had an influence on what I was dreaming. So it was up to us to fight Lucifer and his demons. He would take my family hostage and sometimes I wasn't able to save them. That's a lot of pressure to put on the mind of a child. I don't know why I dreamt it.

One time, my mom and I were talking about my grandfather who passed away when I was a child. Papa. We had old jewelry of his that we were trying on. That night we both went to bed and had terrifying dreams of our parents passing away. I cant even begin to describe what happened in that dream. It was so vivid. So real.

I used to have dreams where I was falling off a bridge. Crashing down into a river surrounded by rocks from hundreds of feet in the air. I would fall forever until waking up right before hitting the ground.

Photo by Glen Jackson on Unsplash

I love to dream. I hate to get woken up in the middle of a dream because you're never quite sure if you'll be able to get back to it. Lucid dreaming has always been something that I was interested in. Maybe one day I'll be able to be in control of my dreams.

This post was written via The Most Dangerous Writing App in response to the #dailyfreewritechallenge posted by @mariannewest. Today's (Day 111) prompt is "Dreams". If you're curious about the #dailyfreewritechallenge, check out the introduction post here.


I like it! I had a dream once where I got stabbed in the stomach by my dad, talk about weird.

oh my god! That sounds intense...do you need to talk? lol

Nah, I'm good, thanks for the ask though, I appreciate it. I'll be honest, it took me a few months to get the emotional attachment of it out of my head. Him and I are not on good terms, and haven't spoken in a few years.

Yikes! That is disturbing! Did you check for stab wounds when you woke up? Lol

You shared a lot with us, thank you for it 💚 I enjoyed it.

Thank you so much for reading! =)

Lovely collection of stories about dreams you've had :)

I love it and hear you! I am a very lucid dreamer, and I've learned how to wake up if they become too disturbing or change something inside of them. I can't control my emotions after I wake up, however, which can annihilate my whole day or be a blessing if it was good!

This my freewrite for today! I usually don't leave a link, but you asked! Haha

Wow! That's cool you're able to lucid dream. Something that i've definitely been curious about! Thanks for leaving the link. I'll go check it out ASAP =)

How do you write so much in just 5 minutes? :o
Are you using cheatcodes?


I am pretty sure you can get banned for using those.
It's doping for writers!

Nope! No cheat codes here. The Most Dangerous Writing App has really helped me type away without thinking in fear of losing all of my work. Once i get in the zone it's hard for me to stop!

It is quite merciless indeed, yeah. Stop typing and lose everything, ugh.
Awesome that you can use it with such success!

That’s a nice walk through your Dream memory lane.

Thanks for reading =)

This was an interesting write about dreams. I don't get to remember very many my dreams, so I think your Journal is interesting. Oftentimes I only remember nightmares, so I'm just as content not remember my dreams on those nights. Thank you for sharing.

I've found that writing my dreams down in a journal really helps me remember them! It's pretty interesting to think back on what you've dreamed about while trying to interpret what they might mean!

You have done a commendable job by writing your dreams. I have not thought about it till now. Like you see your grandfather in dreams i also see my passed away father for many years. It felt amazing as he is alive but when i wake up the reality bites. Thanks for sharing this prompt writing. Mine is

Thank you so much! I'll go check out your #freewrite ASAP

I have dreams where this weird house is always the backdrop and there are children all dirty under the stairs. A movie came out,now, years ago, and it was called "Children under the stairs" I didn't go to see it as it looked too much like my dreams and they were weird enough!

Great freewrite!! You might want to try a small size font for your link. Your freewrites are always a treat to read and just my personal opinion......and this is said with love, the size of your add.......turns me off form coming here and reading your great stories.

I hope I didn't offend but again, your freewrites are always a great read!!! I don't think you need the adds to get people to come read your wonderful writing!!! hugs

No offense taken at all! I'll definitely keep that in mind when leaving comments. Thanks for reading and the compliment =)

Oh man, you brought back some still crystal clear memories of childhood dreams with this post! I love some dreams and hate others when they're bad, but seem so real that they bleed into the next day as if they happened!

Great freewrite!

I’m also helping out with prompt delivery today! If you want, here is today’s #freewrite prompt


Awesome! Dreams are usually interesting, regardless of whether they are bad or good!

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