Day 1: 5 minutes of free writing: Sunday - Message: You ran a red light ***** Día 1: 5 minutos de escritura libre: domingo - Mensaje: Se pasó un semáforo en rojo

in #freewrite3 years ago (edited)



Hello, happy and blessed day @freewritehouse gives us the opportunity to put our skills to the test with many creative initiatives to let out the writer that we all have inside. One of these is the Freewrite project by @mariannewest and its Spanish version Spanish Freewrite.

One of the things that gives me more confidence is that you do not have to publish an award-worthy work, it is not the objective of the exercise. You can write from thoughts, stories, poems, anecdotes, songs or anything else that comes to mind in five minutes. Get creative!

You know what to do.

  1. Choose a message
  2. Set a timer for 5 minutes or use the most dangerous typing app
  3. Write non-stop.
  4. Fix what you want to fix
  5. Publish your free writing
  6. Leave a link in the comments of this publication.

Freewrite for today Sunday August 15, 2021

Topic for today Sunday: ... A red light ran ...

I was crying, I was in so much pain, I knew I couldn't handle it and still just wanted to get away! He started the car and went aimlessly, moving away every second more from that moment that caused so much pain in his life, a moment already expected, a moment that he knew was going to happen, a moment that sooner or later would come! If that painful moment had been anticipated for a while, months before what happened, she knew that her love relationship with Pedro would soon come to an end, it was something to be expected, they were never together, their work was the main focus of their lives and both worked excessively, a relationship where they only saw each other once a month as fortuitous encounters to surrender to each other, hidden between the sheets and the slumber of an unknown room, those were the most anticipated days there was so much love between them that the hours They were so ephemeral and short, that in the mornings knowing that they had to say goodbye was like daggers stuck in your feet while they forced you to walk, she was quiet, calm and with a smile one of those nights she understood that despite fervently loving Pedro she did not It is what he wants for his life, and little by little he grew farther and farther away, each message was less affective and what hurts even more is that Pedro didn't even notice me. Today between tears, She left Pedro and he only accepted it without questions, without complaints, without trying to hold her back ... At that moment she understood that only she loved so much, that only she expected more, that only she was so devoted and with Hope that their relationship would change, she went down the stairs between crying and pain, it was at that moment that her life changed, She started the car and went aimlessly, moving away every second more from that moment, between tears she did not realize that A red light ran, suddenly with nothing more to do in front of it, a truck came and they crashed irreparably. She died that day, body and soul for love.



Hola, feliz y bendecido dia @freewritehouse nos brinda la oportunidad de poner a prueba nuestras habilidades con muchas iniciativas creativas para dejar salir al escritor que todos llevamos por dentro. Una de estas es el proyecto Freewrite de @mariannewest y su versión en español Spanish Freewrite.

Una de las cosas que me brinda mas confianza es que no tienes que publicar una obra digna de un premio, no es el objetivo del ejercicio. Puedes escribir desde pensamientos, relatos , poemas, anécdotas, canciones o cualquier otra cosa que se te ocurra en cinco minutos. ¡Se creativo!

Sabes qué hacer.

  1. Elija un mensaje
  2. Establezca un temporizador en 5 minutos o use la aplicación de escritura más peligrosa
  3. Escribe sin parar.
  4. Arregla lo que te apetezca arreglar
  5. Publica tu escritura libre
  6. Deja un enlace en los comentarios de esta publicación.


Freewrite para hoy Domingo 15 de Agosto de 2021

Tema para hoy Domingo: ...Se pasó un semáforo en rojo...

Lloraba, sentía tanto dolor, sabia que no podía manejar y aun así solo quería alejarse! encendió el carro y se fue sin rumbo, alejándose cada segundo mas de aquel momento que causo tanto dolor en su vida, un momento ya esperado, un momento que sabia iba a suceder, un momento que tarde o temprano llegaría! si ese momento doloroso estaba previsto desde hace un tiempo, meses antes de lo sucedido ella sabia que pronto su relación amorosa con Pedro llegaría a un pronto final, era algo de esperarse, nunca estaban juntos, sus trabajos era el foco principal de sus vidas y ambos trabajaban en exceso, una relación donde solo se veían una vez al mes como encuentros fortuitos para entregarse el uno al otro escondidos entre las sabanas y el sopor de una habitación desconocida, eran esos los días mas esperados había tanto amor entre ellos que las horas eran tan efímeras y cortas, que en las mañanas el saber que debían despedirse era como puñales clavados en los pies mientras te obligaban a caminar, ella callada, tranquila y con una sonrisa una de esas noches comprendió que a pesar de amar fervientemente a Pedro no es lo que quiere para su vida, y poco a poco se fue alejando mas y mas cada mensaje era menos afectivo y lo que aun duele mas es que Pedro ni se me percato de ello. Hoy entre lagrimas, Ella dejo a Pedro y el solo lo acepto sin preguntas, sin quejas, sin intentar retenerla... En ese momento ella entendió que solo ella amaba tanto, que solo ella esperaba mas, que solo ella estaba tan entregada y con esperanza de que su relación cambiara, bajo las escaleras entre el llanto y el dolor, fue en ese momento que su vida cambio, Ella encendió el carro y se fue sin rumbo, alejándose cada segundo mas de aquel momento, entre lagrimas no se percato que Se pasó un semáforo en rojo, de repente sin ya nada mas que hacer frente a ella venia un camión se estrellaron irreparablemente. Ella Murió ese día, en cuerpo y Alma por amor.

It is a bit hard to follow because of the translation. I have no idea who the "I", " he" (male) and "she" (female) characters are.

Welcome to the freewriters. 🍀💖

Thanks for the dimension! There are only 2 characters it is about her and about her pain! what caused it.

Thank you for letting me know. It makes it easier to understand.

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