Day 232: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: depression

in #freewrite6 years ago

Fuente de la Imagen

A life without highs and lows, could not be called life; There are moments of all kinds that fill us with emotions of all kinds. And that is what it is about, to know how to cope with the situations that occur to us. So we'll talk about couple relationships 👫

Courtship is the stage in which we must take advantage of to make as many payments as possible and vice versa, so when living together the withdrawals (which will be inevitable) do not affect the relationship as much.

When we get to the next step, living together ... everything is rosy, let's say we start living the honeymoon (which does not last long). Overcome the first year of spouses, of coexistence, it is likely that we are already invaded by the syndrome "I would like to throw a bucket with cold water" or my favorite and the one I use the most "that's why they throw them away of the bridge". 😒

As I think, why in the Bridge over Lake Maracaibo, statistics reveal that 99% of the cases are men who decide to end their life by throwing themselves from the 21st stack of the bridge? Could it be that we can bring to light the famous phrase that says "behind a great man, there is a great woman"? (pushing) ... to be honest it makes a lot of sense, but better, Let's stop rambling and continue.

We attribute responsibilities or tasks to our partner, which he himself does not know or believes is unimportant to even take it into account. As for example, will it be that I leave the towel again ?, and instead of going straight to the point we ask the question in the following way, did not stay anything in your mother's house?, a very harmless phrase but if it comes accompanied by sarcasm it sounds very different ... "I guess you do not have anything left in your mother's house". From there it is safe to have a minimum discussion of 15 minutes. And if we are the ones who hear that phrase, we will respond with something that happened 5 years ago. However, IT IS NORMAL.

The spark should not end, much less let the depression of the casualties, affect us exaggeratedly. Living together is a decision and love is also a decision, one decides to love and be with the person unconditionally, despite the ups and downs, discussions, disagreements, dislikes and misunderstandings, be communicative remembering that we are all perfectly imperfect humans ... let's not leave that the infatuation ends in 6 months, we continue paying romance, spark and details in our account and reap love, understanding and tolerance. 💑



You are so right. it is a new decision all the time. Are we going to be irritated or are we wanting to work it out...

If you haven't seen the most recent prompt yet, here it is.

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