My Body, My Choice
Alice was delighted to be an expectant mother. She was thrilled to start decorating the nursery, but wanted to wait until the ultrasound revealed the gender so she could properly socially construct the infants room to match the genitalia. It was at that ultrasound that things went terribly wrong.
When found on the ultrasound the fetus began to kick, and not just kick to kick rhythmically. Quick kick, slow kick. Slow kick, 3 quick kicks - then 3 slow. It went on, the startled ultrasound tech ran off to fetch his colleagues while the fetus continued. They gathered around and murmured to themselves and amongst each other.
It was Alice herself who was the first to voice her growing concern... "is it trying to tell us something?"
The murmuring amongst the people in the room intensified, but the fetus kept on - by now, repeating the pattern, fast, slow, slow, fast fast fast, slow slow slow, fast slow fast, slow...
It was Jamie who wrote the whole pattern down and noticed when it started to repeat. Eventually the little embryo wore himself out, and confused as everyone else in the room, Alice was sent home. The physician would contact other specialists and have Alice return tomorrow with the advice of strict bed rest in the meantime.
Jamie gave copies of the pattern detected to everyone there, but it was in her mind that it had taken root. It was her, late that night after hours of internet research that she recognized the code as morse code. It was right around midnight she realized the fetus' chilling message was a simple one. "Abort me."
Yet, she knew Alice intended to bear the child to term...