I want some positive vibes!
I suppose you can see it as sacrificing your health for the environment. Kind of. But you won't be able to take care of the Earth when you yourself are so drained right. Mmmmm
I want some positive vibes!
I suppose you can see it as sacrificing your health for the environment. Kind of. But you won't be able to take care of the Earth when you yourself are so drained right. Mmmmm
Yes, Eon... it's exactly that. You can be environmentally, morally, ethically whatever but there's a cost. Some wanna pay that and that's fine. Me, I like life :D
Hahaha Here, have some positive vibes:
Thanks for popping by :D
buahahaah i couldn't have given as much positive vibes as you did! yay @eonwarped ... @anjkara gotcha!! here's some moooohh
my eyes! XD
buahahah you know you love it ... those were power vibes! eon won't come back tho, he comments once and only if its about atheism will he come back. hahaha
hahahah I do love it XD
Yes...hahaha ah, I think I've got a few atheism points to catch up on today oO :P
ohhhh nooooooo covers eyes