An Ode to Redemption - Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

Entry 22

The night was cold. A blistering winter wind ripping it's way through the suburban streets.

Though the night was cold. It wasn't as cold as Jim and Brian's hearts.

The duo crept trough the still streets. Ducking in behind parked cars, passing Mercedes and Alfa Romeo's as they sneaked around.

They were on a mission. A mission of tyranny. A mission of redemption!

Only twenty four hours earlier had a crime so foul been committed on them.

Jim and Brian had been walking through the neighbourhood. Minding their own business, talking NBA fantasy as they strolled. When out of nowhere. Eggs.

Eggs were flying at them from the street, as a Green 2001 Honda Civic did a drive by egging. The bombardment was so intense, and so quick that the faces of the car could not be made out.

This moment was on that changed Jim and Brian's lives forever.

Tonight? Tonight was redemption time!

Through a friend of a friend they had found out who the car belonged to. The smart idea would be to just let everyone know who the villian's were and let the high school students name and shame them. BUT NO. Jim and Brian were angry. Their honour slighted. Their plan was to take an eye for an eye.

In one bag was a carton of eggs (free range of course). In the other glad wrap.

They approached the green honda civic on the side of the road of Elm and Water St. They siltently smashed eggs all over the car, making sure yolk and white covered the pale green of the Civic. Finally, they wrapped the car in glad wrap. Locking in the egg. Locking in the stench.

Little did they know they'd just egged the Mayor's car.


Every now and again I write for 5 minutes continuously and do not stop until the timer runs out. What you read is a stream of words coming out all at once. No editing, no worrying. I find this creates amazing stories as you just have to let the words take you, rather than force them out. Enjoy.


Mayor's car. Oh dear... Hope they were alright after that.

Hereby, I am delivering the next prompt to you, here it is, check it out! It is 'pumped.'

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