Weekend Freewrite 3/3/2018- 3 prompt option: Aged P

in #freewrite7 years ago

green pepper (1).jpg

Charlotte ate green peppers all day long as she’d once heard they were the best defence against communicable diseases such as those she suspected lurked on every surface in the nursing home where she went weekly to visit her aged P.

It wasn’t that she was a sickly person or anything, but she had a healthy horror of germs and dirt and was particularly careful around old people and children as she feared these were the biggest repositories of filth and bacteria. It was on this she was musing as she entered the nursing home only to be greeted by a large notice warning of the presence of influenza. This would have made her turn and run but for one of the inmates falling into step beside her and engaging her in conversation.

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"If you don't take chances," said the man in striped pyjamas, "you might as well not be alive." "Yes", she replied "I agree with you in principle, but I don’t take chances with my health. I have lost almost my entire family to death, and I fear I will lose myself next, so excuse the smell of green peppers, but I intend to fight with every weapon in my arsenal."

"Fortunately, I love green peppers" said the pyjama clad man who went on to regale her with the story of the time he invited his mother to dinner and had only peppers in the fridge to feed her. "To cut a long story short," he said, "there are many ways to cook a humble pepper, and I know every one of them".

Charlotte sighed. It was going to be a long afternoon.

Posted as a response to the Weekend Freewrite challenge by @mariannewest which you can see here:
Images: pixabay


Wow! What an amazing take on the prompt! And not an "easy" prompt either! I can identify with the germ phobic thing- my son caught EVERYTHING this winter and now when i drop him at creche - i shudder at the thought of the germs lurking . 0 degree from Germaphobia!

Ah cheers for saying so. Truth is, I'd never get a chance to write drivel like this if it weren't for Marianne and her crazy prompts;)
Yes indeed, kids and the elderly seem to catch every bug. Kids I manage to pretty much avoid but when I have to visit my father I'm only short of donning rubber gloves and a respirator.

Excellent read, What a gift you have for stories.

Thanks for that. Truth be told I thought it was a loada the proverbial, but what is a woman to do with 15 minutes and 3 crazy prompts?

That was fantastic how you got all of those together to be one great story! And your first time? Bravo!

Aw shucks, thanks. All very sweet comments gratefully received.

Well deserved! :)

Hey partner! I loved this! I guess I have to take my chances on doing a weekend freewrite. LOL! "It might be a long afternoon." Tip!

Coming from the other half of the A TEAM, that's praise indeed ..........and the first time I've ever received a tip.

YAY! I am happy to hear that I am your first! "A TEAM"...I like that! : )

What colour stripes ? Did they match his slippers ?

With a gas mask on, it's quite hard to see.

The prompt was not an easy one but you really did justice to the prompt, it was a really great write, kudos

Cheers. Thanks a lot for the sweet comment.