
in #freewrite5 years ago

new fire.jpg

I remember times in our house when we'd have no electricity. Sometimes this was due to strikes, quite common here in the 70s and other times as a result of my parents breaking open the meter and stealing the money.

In those days, you had a meter in your house into which you deposited coins. The meter was locked with a padlock which you could break open, take back the money and then try to make it up before the meter man called to collect.

When we had no electricity, we’d cook on a little gas camping stove. Once my brother, about eight years old and my semi-inebriated mother, old enough to know better, were connecting the gas cylinder while sitting in front of our open fire. They managed to pierce the canister, causing a fireball and an explosion loud enough to bring the neighbours running to our door.

In an incredible feat of strength, my mother threw my brother across the room to safety while she put out the fire engulfing her feet and lower legs. She then answered the door to the neighbours with her hair singed and burnt skin on her legs, assuring them everything was ok.

Our family motto was ‘always conceal and never reveal the secrets of the brotherhood’ so we called no ambulance or doctor. My mother bore the pain of weeping blisters and open sores for two days before allowing us to take her to A&E, where she got a right ticking off for being so stupid.

For years afterwards, pieces of burnt plastic jutted out of my mother’s chair, and her legs forever had a charred look about them. My father’s favourite joke at the time was ‘I saw better legs on my grand piano, and I burned that Guy Fawkes night.’

Posted in response to @mariannewest's freewrite challenge

The prompt is Burnt Skin
The image is my own


I've been trying to leave a comment and vote here for two and a half days...!?!?!?!? NOW it's TOO late!!!!

I do hope you're understanding my dear...

Happily, I am blessed with a most compassionate and forgiving nature and besides, I spent two and a half days trying to leave a comment on your blog!

Me thinketh me got it finally... :>) I'll have to use some descriptive caution in the future with my wording, lest I cause you to topple over once again...!!!!!!!

Don't go changin' babe. We love you just the way you are;)

That must have been scary. Same in most homes when I was growing up- don’t be telling stories about what goes on here.

Maybe it's gone too far in the opposite direction now with everyone sharing the minutia of their lives.

People are going a bit overboard -it seems to be encouraged with all the talk shows,

Thanks for the prompt delivery m'dear and for the delightful image. It surely warms the cockles of my heart;)

Man, that must've been scary :(

Terrifying, I was petrified and just stood there and did bugger all.
Edit: Sorry about the dust vote, still getting the hang of this NewSteem!!!

That must have been so scary. And that keeping face tuff is still round way too much

Maybe it's the rose-coloured spectacles, but it seems to me that people didn't feel so entitled to whinge about their lot back in the day. They just got on with it. I know what you mean about saving face but in ways, I think it can be a good thing. If we'd told teachers or social workers what went on in our house, we'd surely have been removed from the home and as bad as it was, it was a damn sight better than what happened to a lot of kids in the care of the system.

upvoted! not seen 'nobidbot' tag before. what does it stand for?..

Nobidbot was an old project started as a protest against the TRENDING page being dominated by posts using bots. Now you mention it, I had a wee look and it seems it's been discontinued.
Since HF21 my vote is dust at $0.01 so I'm no longer voting on comments. I've upvoted your latest post instead. Thanks for the visit.

my vote is probably a dust, too.. but I still vote myself for some friends I've acquainted here, and vote for comments I like -- not for the money, just as a sign of appreciation. I joined myself to the Talentclub voting trail... lets see how HF will turn out for plankton and minnows... speculating before it was implemented, it 99% looked like be benefitting whales only.

I've always liked to vote for comments since not everyone can be a content creator and some just curate and comment. Now that my vote is dusty it's better if I add it to the commenter's blog post where at least it will earn them something. But I'm probably overthinking this....;)

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