My Entry to the Day 28: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Ooze
Thank you to @mariannewest for organising the challenge!
I'm starting the timer now.
What can I write about Ooze? I've never seen him apart from drawings and maybe cartoons. Was he in Ghostbusters?
Does he smell gross? Does he make a scary noise? Does he feel wet?
I do like the colour green. It usually inspires me to paint. But not Ooze's shade of green! That looks swollen and stinky.
Or maybe it's just me being all superior and pernickety. Maybe Ooze is someone I should befriend. He might watch over me like a giant, guardian angel. I'd grow to love and respect him. Oh my, marriage is on the horizon.
Do you want to come to my wedding? Dress code: bright, violent green!
Here is a link to the challenge.
Thank you for reading!
That was fun! 🙂
Thank you! Thanks also for the vote.
You're welcome, I'm glad to see new writers joining in with us here. I hope you have as much fun with it as I have had. I'm not going strictly by the time limit, but I am using the prompt and just writing whatever comes into my head in one sitting. I also use the Grammarly App which greatly cuts down on errors.