Weekend Freewrite 4/14/2018- Single Prompt Option - describe a bird

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


The thing on the ground was dying, of that he was sure. He had seen this many times, yet it was still a thrill, his anticipation was growing by the moment. Twice he had been down to check on the progress and maybe steal a taste early, but the thing had kicked at him and screamed. The sun was hot on his bald head and there was no shade here, he himself was also exposed to other predators, but he had little worry for few would want to mess with him unless desperate and it was not yet the season of desperation. His main thoughts were for others of his kind, he was watchful and was trying not to give himself and his prey away too soon. He wanted to be the first, The choice pieces were his and he didn't want to have to fight for them.

It struggled to move and moaned again, the shadows were longer now and he hoped it would not be much longer. He had seen the whole thing from high above, the creatures had struggled against each other for domination, and he had continued to circle and watch hoping to get lucky. Usually, when these creatures clung and struggled against one another it was for mating, but this was different, it was two males and he could almost feel the anger coursing between them as they fought. Then there was a flash, a glint of reflection off of something shiny, then the screams started. This was going to be a good day, with luck maybe even two days before the smell attracted others. By then he would have gorged himself and be ready to look over the crowd that would surely flock in for a share. It would be nice to find another suitable female among them.

He had lost his last mate to something that had killed a pack of coyotes a few rotations of the light back. The smell of the creatures below him had been all around the area, apparently, they had known something about the tainted food and had avoided it. The more for him and his mate he had thought at the time, but looking back he decided that he needed to remember the event and try to avoid similar kills. As he watched the fight slow and finally come to a halt as the one that had been screaming went silent and fell over. The other walked over to his shell and got in, in another moment he was speeding away leaving a large cloud of dust as he disappeared down the trail. A few more circles and he had slowly begun his decent landing in a nearby dead tree, it was the only one around. Now it was just a matter of watching and waiting.

Suddenly the wait ended, he heard the distinct sound of the air escaping a dead body in a fluttering last whosh. A few more minutes for safety sake, then it was time for a feast! The only thing that he dreaded now was that tough tasteless skin on these things, sometimes you couldn't even get to the tender parts of their feet because of it. No matter, the eyes and the easy stretchy parts of the face would be his, and hopefully, some of that awful skin had been torn away in the fight making things easier for him. Better get to it, those blamed coyotes would be around come dark.

**Disclaimer: I often use the freewrite prompt to tell a story instead of doing a pure freewrite, so they sometimes take longer than 5 minutes and usually have some editing. But I try to do my story straight through at one sitting without any unnecessary breaks.

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Prompt: describe a bird

Set your timer for 5 minutes.
Start writing
Use the hashtag #freewrite
Publish your piece (include a link to this post if you wish)
Copy and paste your URL into the comment section of the prompt post.
Or, if you don't want to publish your freewrite, just copy and paste as a comment under the prompt post.
If you don't know what a freewrite is, here is a link to the introduction post.

Introduction to freewrite

Thank you @mariannewest

Exciting things are on the horizon, visit the Freewritehouse to find out more!

"Brandywine, Brandywine. This is Steamer, Steamer over." Come in Brandywine!


I could actually hear that vulture's gory thoughts...yuck! And to have the death to be blamed on the coyotes was brilliant. Someone got away with murder.

Welcome back Deacon! I enjoyed your telling of the fight between two people through the eyes of a bird! It was great to read its perspective while it considers life's necessities and waits for it's chance to feast.

Some of the young gremlins of the town of Freewrite have been kind enough to volunteer to deliver today's prompts! Please be advised, they have silly string and have eaten their way through a basket of Pixie Stix.

Freewrite Day 178 - sugar bowl

Today, I didn't really warm to your subject but I love your turn of phrase like 'a few rotations of the light back' and 'The other walked over to his shell'. I think you have a great gift of seeing the world through the eyes of others.

Thank you Dee, I have not been active for several days and it is comforting to come back and find that my friends are still here and supportive. 🙂

Yes, we missed you :)

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