Piece of Cake

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


      Little Lily walked into the kitchen after dinner and told her mother that she was quitting school.

      Her mother paused, then nodded, taking plates from a cupboard and setting them on the table. The mound of crumpled papers in the garbage had told her that this was coming. Two months ago, Lily had said the same thing. Frustrated over her division homework, she'd thrown her homework folder in the trash and declared loudly that she was going to take care of elephants. Her daughter had thankfully changed her mind after a trip to the zoo and after she saw how much poop she'd have to shovel.

      Lily's mom took the lid off of the cake, "What are you going to do when you quit?"

      "I'm going to be a baker!" the little girl replied, eyeing the cherries on the cake. "You don't need math to bake." She scowled as her mother erupted with laughter. "Hey! I helped you with the cookies last week!"

      Her mother gasped, taking deep breaths to stop her mirth. "Yes, you did. And you did a great job it's just," she paused finally getting her giggles under control. "Bakers use math for everything." Seeing her daughter's face fall she asked, "What was your homework?"

      "Percents." The little girl spat the word.

      "Easy. Percents are a piece of cake." Her mother replied. She picked up the knife and began cutting neat slices into the chocolate cake. "You already know fractions, and that's just what percents are."

      "If they're the same thing, why bother calling them that?" Lily grabbed a plate and held it out to her mother. "Can I have 2 cherries?"

      Her mother ignored her request. She pointed at the cake, "How many slices did I cut?"

      "Ten..." her daughter replied, rolling her eyes.

      "And if I took away four, how would you say that as a fraction?"

      "Four over ten." Lily though then asked again, "Can I please have two cherries?"

      "We'll see. So, if the cake is one hundred percent, and you take four parts away, what did you take away?"

      Lily stared, the sound of the gears in her mind almost audible in the quiet kitchen. "Four parts...forty percent off!" She beamed at her mother, proud to have figured it out. "So does that mean I get to have four cherries?"

      The look her mother gave her answered the question.

      Lily's mother began sliding the chocolate cake slices to the plates. "Tell you what, go fish your homework out of the garbage. When you're done, we'll talk cherries."

      Her daughter crossed over to the bin, looked down at the papers she'd thrown in earlier, now uncrumpled and lying in wait. Picking them up she muttered, "I'd better get ten cherries."

Thank you @Omra-sky for my sweet Squirrple Necklace separator!
Main image via wikipedia
For the 5 Minute Freewrite Prompt - 40% off by @mariannewest.
Thanks Marianne!

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Squirrel World GIF by @Omra-sky. Thank you! 😻

GIF by @Omra-sky.

Carl GIF by @Snook! 💖 - Personalized by @Omra-sky

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Badge made by @Fireawaymarmot & personalized by @Omra-sky!

Thank YOU for reading!


You must be such a lovely mum Bris 😁 (don't I deserve a cherry after this compliment?)

Grazie for the compliment, F3nix! Sure, you can have a couple of cherries...

I'm a tough mom and you never said how you wanted them served! 😂

Ass kisser.

Cherries! Cherries! 😂

Ok I swear I will stop watching it.. well, just a bit more till the loop is over..🤪

😂 He keeps begging for cherries. I wonder if he means these?


No thanks.. lol I prefer melons 😂

Wow.it looks amazing cake. I think it delicious 😋. It's shafe wonderful.Did you make that?

The cake pictured was a free use photo that I found online. I have made others similar to it in the past. You're right though, it looks pretty tasty. Thanks for stopping by!

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