A Rumination on Free Will
A Rumination on Free Will
Just because you know
Where one began
And where one will end
Does not mean you know
The path they took
To get there
It isn’t about where you started
It isn’t about where you end up
That is the same for all
For the end is the beginning
And the beginning is the end
It is about the journey
The journey is where we find
Free will
We are both discovering
And choosing our path
Alongside God
In every moment of now
It is an unveiling
A revealing
Of the question
Who am I?
In every moment
We are but a stroke
Of the brush
Painting a masterpiece
Just because God can see
The end state of that masterpiece
Does not mean God knows
Every stroke of the brush
In advance
That we are discovering
In each moment
Like a master painter
Gently guiding his student