The irony of (some) purveyors of free speech.
If you whine about alleged whiners, you're a whiner.
If you try to cancel people who are allegedly practicing cancel culture, you are practicing cancel culture.
If you try to censor people who are allegedly censoring, you are being censorious.
Most accusations of virtue signaling are themselves virtue signaling.
If you attack someone for being "PC," you are yourself telling them how they may speak.
The irony here in doing these things is not just in the fact that you're making yourself susceptible to the exact same accusations that you're hurling, but that the people you're hurling them at are actually trying to say something meaningful (rightly or not), whereas you're just complaining about how they chose to do so.
And I suppose there's one more irony in how frequently the people doing the above claim to be defenders of free speech.