"Progressivism" Is Nothing But Pathological Conservatism
21st Century leftism has a very clearly defined hierarchy system that, although never made explicit (the jig would be up if it were), is central to their operating system and MO. Through the clever use of postmodern sleight of hand and ironic monikers such as "progressivism" (they became conservatives when they won the institutions and the only thing they are "progressing" towards is outright fascism) they seek to invert the hierarchical system that separated the Western nations from the rest of the world, and promote the ideologies and modes of beings most threatening to Individualism to the top. The establishment and its institutions are empowered by the decay of Individualism by virtue of its very nature - the reach and scope of their authority in near perfect negative correlation with the sanctity of the individual, ballooning and bloating as the culturally agreed upon ethic regarding the respect of the individual's negative right of non-aggression diminishes. Glimpses can occasionally be gleaned of the new hierarchy and who sits where (Islam is at or near the top and well ahead of LGBTQIAP2+), and the population so thoroughly indoctrinated that the establishment no longer makes any attempt to conceal the fact that they sided with the radical left.
Perhaps most amusing is that the aforementioned "progressivism" label has yet to give way to "conservatism" which they have obviously and unapologetically become. The institutions and establishment as a whole have proudly broadcast their position for some time now - the only thing they care to hide is the new hierarchy and its centrality to the new doctrine. I can only surmise this denial is due to the feeling that if the "progressives" openly accepted this development they would lose the points of self righteousness they feel they have accrued, or even worse that to do so would spark a cascade of inconvenient truths and self reassuring lies to be brought to the surface, and with it their greatest nightmare; a confrontation with a Shadow so deserted except to feed and a meeting with a monster so fetid and vile it would destroy the Self completely.