
That's true, but as an author can you argue that it isn't dangerous when you start telling people they can't say or think or write certain things? Thanks for your comment.

It is dangerous of course! They absolutely can and should say and write what they feel like. Writers will never tap into their full potential if they are limited in any shape or form!

Right, that's my main point. I don't let my students bully or attack each other in class, but, in the real world, we have to allow people to have their voice no matter how evil or ugly we think their words and beliefs are. Only speech we don't like needs to be protected. 'Ice cream is delicious' is not controversial. If we start banning 'hate speech' those same laws could be used against us one day too if what we say offends someone, even unintentionally.

words are powerful... they can harm or empower... they can destroy or revive...
and we're all free to use the ones we choose

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