Happy Sunday...on Monday...
Today was okay; very much like yesterday, the day before that and everyday before, the day before yesterday, which wasn't Monday and 'me' thinking it was Sunday...

As a matter of fact...I'm having trouble remembering any day in recent times that was not okay...?!?!?!? Maybe I've been just too lucky of an old bastard?
Most likely though, I already forgot about those bad days, or partially bad days due to senility having set in. I don't know...???
Anyway, how are you doing today, in your neck of the woods?
Talking about woods, that reminds me...I was planning a little trip into the woods, to relax and unwind, but forgot…!!!
See what I mean, about my brain having become a sieve, of late? You'd think THAT would bother me, just a wee bit at least?
But, it doesn't...

I'm kind of glad I don't remember much anymore; especially all the bad crap that happens; and, there's been a lot of that going on lately (I think???)
Hmmmmmmnnnnnnnn… Maybe not..?
Now I have myself wondering if today was really an okay day...?!?!?!??
Maybe it SUCKED?!?!?!?
Guess what? I already forgot what I wanted to post about.
That doesn't really matter, in the grand scope of things. I was just a little bored, so thought I'd share that boredom with someone.
Well... That's it for now my friends. I'll be back later if anything pops into mind, to bore you with.
Till then...have a happy... You probably deserve it...
Another Re-Worked Re-post from the Mind of @AngryMan May 18, 2020
Images: Courtesy of Pixabay.com