Freemasonry: The truth behind the craft.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #freemasonry8 years ago


As a 32nd degree mason and Knight Templar I am humored by those who tell me that Freemasonry is about devil worshiping, that it is a cult or that we Freemason are attempting to take over the world. They use the term "Illuminati" which surely hasn't existed since the late 1700s. In truth the Illuminati opposed the government and Freemasonry. To stipulate that this group and Freemasonry is one and the same surely shows the ignorance of some. Whereas I believe there are groups of elites that wish to create a one world government, I know no one within Freemasonry who partake or believe in such said discussions.


Freemasons worldwide in total donates 2 million dollars a day toward charities, and funds (21) hospitals across the U.S. for children whom are victims of burn accidents or other illnesses. The parents of these children who cannot afford the treatment do not have to worry about their children. Both the Shriner & Scottish Rites hospitals were created to assist the parents with medical bills financially thus taking the load off their chest in such a time. Freemasonry in truth has funded many upon many organization and charity events, schools, boy scouts, girl scouts, and so on without asking anything in return.


So why do Freemasons have a bad rap among Youtubers and crazy bible thumpers?

Who knows, I can't even phantom what goes on in the minds of some nor am I here to judge them for it. To each their own, we are not here to change the minds of anyone, but to teach awareness.

In regards to the outlandish rumors of it being a cult, Freemasonry is not a cult, nor a religion, but rather a fraternal order. As a Freemason you must believe in a higher being to be allowed within our ranks, you must be of good standing and moral character and free of any felony convictions. Within the lodges of Freemasonry, it makes no difference what religion you may be or what title you hold in life. When you are within the lodge and in the craft you are equal with one and all. The lodge building is a place where Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews and all else can sit and break bread with each other with zero backlash.

Perhaps the reason why some bash the fraternal order is because they were not allowed in, or perhaps they were removed due to doing the wrong thing. In truth it makes me laugh when people who watch nothing but Youtube videos on Freemasonry preach to us about it. A youtube video many times will never explain nor allow you to experience the truth behind Freemasonry because most of them are created by heresay, by uninformed individuals. Individuals who will never full grasp the fraternal order because they are not in the ranks, so instead they fabricate rumors, lies and false assumptions.

What is Freemasonry?

So in conclusion my advice

Stop watching bogus Youtube videos, do the research, open your eyes, ask a real freemason or visit a masonic blue lodge. Do not be fooled by the hype, the negative press, the fear mongering and the misinformation. Freemasonry is one of the oldest organizations that has ever existed and perhaps once of my greatest achievements in life for it has taught me greatly, and has allowed me to become a better man. A man of good standing and moral character who believes in leaveing the world a better place than how we entered it.

"Remember that he or she who open their minds to the possibilities of the world, will uncover vast secrets that truly were never secret. " - George Mercado


Dear Mason, Can you give yourself to Jesus as the true savior and son of God.
Or does the Mason have problems with it?

Thanks for the valid question, I am a Christian and have given myself to Jesus, born again but that doesn't stop me from being a mason since Freemasonry isn't about religion.

Thanks for spreading the word and helping to clarify what the fraternity is and is not,

Unfortunately, thanks to the particular interests of a religion, attempts have been made to discredit from many remote time the great work of Freemasonry and its great value for society. It makes us laugh to hear comments about the demonic of our Rites, it is simply absurd. Unfortunately, not everyone has cultivated the art of discerning, researching and drawing their own conclusions. They are blindly guided by someone on TV or because they read it in the newspaper or because they heard told a doctor or someone wearing a tunic. The Creator gave us intelligence, a great mind, the power to think, to reason ... we must use it instead of being carried away by comments from uninformed people. In my Lodge there are Protestant Christians and Catholics and we all live fraternally, we support each other and help as true brothers and children of the same and unique Creator, called by us The Grand Architect of the Universe, the Supreme Being.
The Essence and Task of Freemasonry By Rudolf Steiner
Freemasonry and Human Evolution By Rudolf Steiner
The Essence and Task of Freemasonry By Rudolf Steiner
Freemasonry and Human Evolution By Rudolf Steiner

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