in #freeman7 years ago

They thrive on pushing the LIE that United States means the same as U.S.A. It DOES NOT. United States means United States GOVERNMENT, which ONLY has jurisdiction over District of Columbia and territories. United States is the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, which has  been BANKRUPT since 1933, and who's citizens are the 14th Amendment statutory citizens, while United States of America is the REPUBLIC which consists of STATE Citizens who are NOT 14th Am. citizens. 

I.e. they're NATURAL-BORN citizens (citizens BY BIRTH), while statutory 14th Am. citizens are citizens BY CONTRACT (the Birth Certificate). So someone born in USA WITHOUT a BC, is a State Citizen.

You can check the Black's Law dictionary, where United States Marshal, judge, court, etc., is defined as a person or entity OF THE FEDERAL gov't. So OBVIOUSLY United States then means the federal gov't and its citizens are FEDERAL (not State) citizens.

"The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State." Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. § 1785

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