What is the Best Free Vpn ?
Hello there people of the internet , as some of you may now Turkey is one of the countries which have a lot restrictions on the internet , like Wikipedia , imgur , 99 percent of the adult content and sometimes even Twitter , Facebook and Youtube , therefore most of the people who wants to reach information or watch adult content use VPN , however lots of the Free VPN's rarely work . I used IBVPN , Chrome , Hotspotshield and many more but I'm struggling to find a free new one. Can anyone reccomend me a good stable vpn ?
Opera browser has own vpn. It is free. I use it, it is so successful.
@steeminator3000 i forgot to say. The property of vpn must be open from opera settings panel. You can reach it as clicking Opera logo Then you must select advanced.
TOR browser is basically a VPN