Smart City infastructure seems to be extending out from the city..
A freshly built opening day at a new supermarket..
Are supermarkets looking like this in the rest of the world?!
Stay tuned as I will document the freegan foods we shall be getting from there..
.. Ive even brought a second hand 400L freezer just for that purpose!
Ive started using a smart phone to take pics with for the first time in my life so ill be posting more! *found how to turn of the geotagging, but still, is it really turned off off?
..and yes that big half pallet of yellow is a stack of 50% sugar labelled as Chocolate..
This has become an on going problem here in canada.. Walmart now has more self land than tellers.
Fast food is going the same way
Welcome to the New World Order and soon also mass job losses!
Yeah and after this next recession it is gonna be far worse for jobs cause these will be a way to "cut cost"
Sometimes at the supermarket i try to ''visualize'' the corridors without products that contain any sugar. Its a quite an ''empty'' picture. Not much is left. Meat, fish, dairy, vegetables and fruits. That's all that remains without the junk. If one wants non processed and biological stuff there is probably just 5-10 products in the whole store! (at best).
I was reading that 5% of an adverage supermarket is without added sugars.A great example of 'Freedom of choice' 😆
Yes our supermarkets in Australia are going the same way.
Posted using Partiko Android
I downloaded part one of george orwell 1984 audiobook just to see how accurate it is 😃
Very good.
Posted using Partiko Android