I am not, we are am.
We better be worried about the world that everybody lives in and its systems to realize our own powers to change it. That's right, we need to change what we're doing. It's not all about studying, watching movies, going to your job, calling the police because you lack responsibility of yourself, being at "home", sitting at one spot looking happy while meditating without getting anywhere. In all of this you might think that I'm judging you. Well, hell yeah because I'm also judging myself in this and that is my drive, so good luck finding a better deal than that.
It's true what they say "If we want to change the world, we have to change ourselves". But let's get real. One sentence won't change your life and the sentence does not end there. We need to change ourselves with the selves of the world, that's right we're in it together folks. Be the change together with everyone and everything at all times when you encounter people and things around you. Because changing ourselves requires a wardrobe of open-minded people, otherwise you could just stop reading at this very moment. I'm not doing this to be famous or rich, as you can understand by the looks of it if you will.
It's also true what they say about how easier it is for a camel than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. People who cannot stand up in their sovereignty has no truthful right to bring about wishful change for themselves or to the world. You can say what you want about the bad situations we're in, but you better just shut your mouth about it if you haven't done anything about it yourself. So what am I doing, you ask? I am being my change with the change of you who is reading.
Enjoy the freedom of expression, the west may not have it for much longer the way it is going, I like your style.
Thanks :)
LOL, ok @azension, but let me not hurt my own head, and let me not tie myself up in chains and let me not coerce myself - by beating you over the head, by judging you, by forcing you to be the change that I wish to be!
That's a great note to self :)