This is why I don't agree to any terms and agreements ever.

in #freedomfirst6 years ago

I am in disagreement, disagree and generally do not stand in agreement or agree with the hereto aforementioned and any proceeding or preceding terms and agreements. ever.

If any records should be kept of me agreeing to any agreements, they should be considered false, since I hereby agree to not agreeing to any terms or any agreements. ever.

especially whatever this agreement is.

See the blank tag for do not agree? that means I don't agree to this agreement, and I am hereby agreeing to never agree to any agreement, by disagreeing with this agreement I agree to never agree to this agreement and any recording of me agreeing to this agreement shall be considered false, especially if they occur in the near future.

with any


inc bitcheeeeees

Now stick your STINC where the sun don't shine.


Terms of service are standard for websites. If you don't agree, you don't use the site. There are plenty of alternate options for using the Steem blockchain (Busy, CLI/API, etc.). If you want to use though, then you have to agree to their terms.

IMO, clicking "I agree" does not hold you liable for the contents of the contract because there is no realistic expectation that anyone reads or furthermore understands the contents of what they are agreeing to. So my personal action is to just click it. Your suggestion is quite impractical. Do you not think that those other sites have similar TOS?

IMO, clicking "I agree" does not hold you liable for the contents of the contract because there is no realistic expectation that anyone reads or furthermore understands the contents of what they are agreeing to

I doubt a court of law would agree with you, but you are free to do as you wish.

Your suggestion is quite impractical. Do you not think that those other sites have similar TOS?

Then you can download + compile the blockchain code and access the API's directly via the command line.

Hi, would it be possible for you to point out a post or website that explains this step by step. I had asked on another post how one was to access their wallet if pulls the plug on the site, and the answer was through the command line.

I am guessing many here like myself do not understand any of that, and it makes me a little concerned that the little I am investing/accruing would be lost to me forever if the site ever went down or those running the show here decided for whatever reason they wanted to ban my account. It isn't feasible for many of us to incur the fees that would be involved traveling to NY for some arbitration when the costs would be greater than the amount of Steem held by us. And given my hopes would be to sometime this year hold a stake greater than allowed in small claims court that would be the only avenue available if something shady went down.

Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.

The command line is probably the hardest option, but the instructions for it are here:

The APIs are explained here:

The also has a lot of other tools available for accessing the API.

If you lost access to though, your first option probably wouldn't be to go directly to an API. It would be a lot easier to find an alternative site/tool that you could use instead, like Vessel, SteemConnect, or (just to list a few).

Hey, I think you are looking for the program Vessel. It is a Steem desktop wallet, created by @jesta and works great. Find the current version on Github.

Hey, thanks for the reply. I would never use a desktop wallet though to be honest, and in this case would be impossible I think since I power up every bit of Steem I get.

While the Terms and Agreements are annoying and they state these cookie cutter arbitration clauses there is nothing really to worry about.

You might be thinking about how wallets work all wrong. Think of them more as a piece of software that holds your private keys and your coins are always out on the blockchain. You never really have your coins on your computer. I know that seems weird but you coins aren't housed by You can access and control your coins through or the eSteem app or several others ways so even if went rogue and started kicking people off the site you would still be able to access your funds. is just trying to cover their ass if someone jumps on here and uploads secret military documents to this blockchain or something. They don't want to be responsible for it.....etc.

Yeah, I got that about the desktop only holding the keys, but had read it made it more susceptible to hacking. My confusion comes in due to the Steem Power scenario. I know so little about it, things like is it always equal to Steem and does it exist off of the Steemit platform where one could still power it down without using as an intermediary?

Small world, I see you are in Tucson as well. I have a little over a week left here before I move away again. Chances are if you go to the TVSM on Friday nights we have seen one another. I have sold on and off there since the 90's.

Yes it kind of sucks the life out of your steem morale doesnt it.

I look at my SP differently now.

Yeah except binding arbitration way to say nothing

reading this was a waste of time

hopefully an entertaining one :)

I have no idea how these agreements have become standard operating practice for everything. I ALWAYS make a point to read these contracts and raise concerns about questionable sections. I sometime even stroke stuff out before signing.

Consent IS NOT the same as Informed Consent. We should push these rule makers to make it simple and easy for the everyday person to understand.

I AM WITH YOU BROTHER! Let this be my declaration, I stand unified with @lanmower

To whom it may concern,
I am in disagreement and generally do not stand in agreement with or agree with the aforementioned T.O.S. and any proceeding or preceding terms and agreements. ever.

If any records should be kept of me agreeing to any agreements, they should be considered false, since I hereby declare that I do not consent to any agreement presented. This includes, but is not limited to, any terms or agreements ever.

I have no idea how these agreements have become standard operating practice for everything.


I had so much fun making this post :), thanks everyone for the awesome comments.

I agree with you friend

I don’t see why a so called decentralized network needs to be keeping PII on users

Is steemit really decentralised? I think it has never been and will never be. The stakes of @steemit is enough to back this claim!

That’s a good point but I meant as a philosophy not actual implementation as it currently stands! I mean that’s it’s big marketing claim right it’s decentralised and you can get rewarded

What , in specific , is the objectionable part of the TOS/Privacy policy ?

Or , your objection is to the concept of having such/any agreements ?

My primary objection is that the meat and potatoes of the agreement gets buried inside legal jargon that the average person is not expected to read nor understand.

Next time you are out somewhere and someone hands you this type of document, read it and inquire with the person presenting it to you about anything you don't FULLY understand. If the person asking for your consent does not even comprehend the contract themselves, then how could they be witness to you signing how a contract that they administer? Does that sound like an enforceable contract? There are necessary component to an ENFORCEABLE contract and, to me, TOS do not pass the smell test.

Make sense?

Yes , the comprehension of these esoteric legal documents is quite poor. There should be an easier to understand version of the same , similar to what comes along with medications.

It is still quite enforceable though , as things stand today.

BTW , My question was for the original poster @lanmower.

Dafak bro, what's wrong with this gif and ur avatar.

I find making any agreements with STINC disagreeable, always and ever.

Who disagrees with me!

i want to be a believer!

I was trying to check the main points of the TERMS OF SERVICE, sadly some seconds after i got bored, soo yeah.

Anyone could summary the main points of it? Or at least knows anyone if it is worth to spend some time reading them?

Nvm, forget this.

this is absolutely insane and anyone who saying it doesn't matter is insane it's called binding arbitration and anything short of a real court of law they've already won as soon as you consent and even in a real Court of law it's usually a kangaroo court

yes you're absolutely right.

those damn kangaroos I should have known.

You are right. Arbitration will always rule in favor of a large company. Individuals are always defeated from the beginning. It is just a way to keep the information from public record and not set a precedence.

I didn't agree to the terms of service my lawyers made me set up for entering my house. Now I have to go live somewhere else.

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