RE: Freedom Challenge #4: If you lived in a free world how would your life be different? (SBD to 4 Winners!)
We are just the equalizers ;) I dj and learned on vinyl. When you throw the second record you notice if it is going faster or slower. You have to correct in the opposite direction, and you have to over correct to walk the beat back to meet the other. If the record is A LOT faster or slower the initial couple of corrections swing very wildly as you over-correct, then swing back the other way. There is some undulation in calculus like this too, (I'm blanking on the term) where you alternate above and below a point you want to be at until you hone in and you know the answer not by the points on the graph but by what they are dancing closer and closer too. I always picture that undulation when I see social behaviors and reactions. Strong women reactions will be the over correction needed to get us to whatever point we have been dancing around, but we still need everyone to build <3