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RE: Choosing Freedom | How We Are Taking Action to Claim Our Freedom
Yes! We too, are working towards freedom with our family. We homeschool in a very unschoolish, mildly Waldorf-ish way while my husband works from home. It is easy to get wrapped up in the hamster wheel of never-ending to do lists on the homestead! I really try to limit even our social commitments because I find the kids are so much more peaceful when they're free to explore at home, rather than having to get loaded up in the car. For us, it required moving away from the pressures of family that I believe are threatened by our unwillingness to comply to their societal norms. So here we are, starting over on a new homestead, hundreds of miles from our relatives and our hometown, but we love it. It was 💯 the right decision for us!
Good for you for listening to your inner voice. It can be tough to be away from family, but totally respect and understand your point of view. Happy to
Hear you’ve found a more more blanaced situation. The do to lists never end, but I when do we ever make our to be lists?...