Santa Fe High School Shooting: Real or False Flag narrative Gun-Control push? (discussion)

in #freedom7 years ago


There have been reports of yet another school shooting only this time it was at the Santa Fe High School. As some of you may already know, MSM and Youtube are all buzzing today as reports of the shooting. It was a Youtube video from the channel A Call for an Uprising that caught our attention. Here is the video:

Reasons why we may be seeing a false flag are as follows:

  1. In the video I could not help but notice that this medical professional is having a hard time not laughing and is caught smiling several times.
  2. That alone is not enough to call this event a false flag but, in the video, you hear a report talk about a recent drill for a situation just like this.
  3. They already have the suspect in custody, Dimitrios Pagourtzis age 17. That information alone is a red flag. When dealing with someone under the age of 18 the news does not release their name.
  4. The number of people dead/injured is inconstant. Some reports are claiming 8 and some say 10…
  5. Reports are indicating the type of guns used and saying they are legally register to the suspects father.
  6. People that are interviewed are claim, even the students.
  7. There have been 22 reports of school shooting this year so far:
    1. 01/20/2018 – Winston Salem, North Carolina
    2. 01/22/2018 – Italy, Texas
    3. 01/23/2018 – Benton, Kentucky
    4. 01/31/2018 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    5. 02/01/2018 – Los Angeles, California
    6. 02/05/2018 – Oxon Hill, Maryland
    7. 02/09/2018 – Nashville, Tennessee
    8. 02/14/2018 – Parkland, Florida
    9. 02/24/2018 – Savannah, Georgia
    10. 02/27/2018 – Itta Bena, Mississippi
    11. 02/27/2018 – Norfolk, Virginia
    12. 03/02/2018 – Mount Pleasant, Michigan
    13. 03/07/2018 – Jackson, Mississippi
    14. 03/07/2018 – Birmingham, Alabama
    15. 03/08/2018 – Mobile, Alabama
    16. 03/13/2018 – Seaside, California
    17. 03/20/2018 – Lexington Park, Maryland
    18. 04/09/2018 – Gloversville, New York
    19. 04/12/2018 – Raytown, Missouri
    20. 04/20/2018 – Ocala, Florida
    21. 05/11/2018 – Palmdale, California
    22. 05/18/2018 – Santa Fe, Texas

It is still a little early to say this is a false flag, however as we pointed out above there are red flags. If you would like to look a full time line of what has taken place BCC has an article that was updated throughout the day of this event. We are going to monitor the situation and may have updates or new articles about this as more information surfaces. We really would like to hear your thoughts, comments and/or concerns about this matter below. As always thank you for taking your time to read our article. If you like to view more of our work, please visit our steemit page @truthbeyondlies or check out our website T.B.L


IMHO it is irrelevant whether it is a false flag or not. Remember, propaganda is now absolutely legal since the dismissal of the Smith-Mundt act.
What counts is, that IT IS IN THE NEWS.
That means that they will relentlessly pursue the proven strategy our beloved, foreskin hating, Palestinian murdering Best Friends Forever use for whatever they want to accomplish. Lie, cheat, manipulate, create a false flag if needed, defame and besmear the opposition and never, ever stop until your objective is accomplished. They will not stop until America is effectively disarmed.

This is true. They have made it painfully clear that they want our guns... they want everything that could help us stop what they are doing... which is why we have a society like we do not. Us "oddballs" are the "problem" because we know what they want and know that they will do or say anything to make it happen.

Exactly. And they play the long game, over generations. They attack their agendas on all fronts, starting with "education" and forced vaccinations. Our children get relentlessly indoctrinated and dumbed down. My prediction is that in two generations the game is over. The "NEW" humans will demand from the government to take the guns for "safety" reasons...

I think at the rate we have seen, in two generations they will be in their "safe places" unwilling to leave and actually live life. I tell you what, this snowflake generation leaves me at a loss for words. The are stuck on trigger words... really trigger words! I think back to when my Grandma was alive and imagine one of us kids saying something about this to her... BOY OH BOY, I can feel the pain my butt would have faced.... the kids today are missing that and yes I mean missing it. It helps build character lol.

Exactly. But what pisses me off is that this is done to them by DESIGN. There is a method behind this madness. We were already brainwashed by all these garbage they put into our brains through "education" and television PROGRAMMING. But what they are doing now, with all these autism causing forced vaccinations and gender madness is simply satanic. I hope these freaks will choke on the foreskins they cut of little babies.

I agree! What we are seeing now is more than madness and unfortunately it will get worse. People think we are down right crazy when we expose stuff like the vaccinations but they have no leg to stand on when you ask them how many autistic kids did they grow up with (of course this is people our age). Most try to redirect a few will say none, but the majority will try to explain that this is new which leads to the how...but we are crazy ^^

The fact that there was once again another drill only days to weeks before this shooting falls into a pattern that warrants massive attention. Almost every time there's a drill and you obviously know. It's to the point now where it's almost like clock work, dare I say a script. You can watch these event play through and mouth the words and happenings like your favorite movie. Only this isn't enjoyable, nor a movie. These false flags events take real lives cost for an agenda to disarm us and usher in a new world order. It has to be stopped. Great post, thanks for shairing @truthbeyondlies. I've been following your stuff for about a week now and you never fail to put out great material.

RIGHT! THANK YOU. Once again there was a "drill" and then a "mass shooting" We like the way you described this... like a movie and your right. It is horrible that we hear school shooting or mass shooting and almost automatic we start looking to see if a drill had took place because it is a pattern. The only thing that has changed is now they are using different actors because we caught on to the last batch of actors. It is a ploy to take our guns and at this rate it could just very well happen.

Thank you for following and we are glad that you enjoy the content that we are bring.

I think it could "legally", and I do not condone anyone breaking the law, citizen or politician (disclaimer), but all I have to say is good luck getting them all. Some people may cave under the pressure, most won't. And I believe most military that would be tasked with confiscation would not follow that order seeing as it would be illegal and most military (especially low ranks) are freedom oriented. We'll see though, I'll leave it at that on the net.

Completely understand! This is one of them times you have to sit back and watch it play out...

Sit back and actively watch if I may respectfully add to that. But yes, couldn't agree more. Great organizations like yourself must just watch and report and for now that is the best we can do. We don't want to spread ourselves thin fighting on too many fronts. I think this avenue of fighting for freedom is perhaps what we were made to do. It is effective. The lead sword so to speak.

This is exactly why we started writing articles. My partner started on this years before me (he would not give up on showing me the truth no matter how hard I fought), by the time I came on board he already started a website to get the word out. We made the choice to come to steemit to find like minded people to talk to about matters like this and we started putting our articles up here as well as our website. My personal thoughts are if we reach just one we did great. By the way Thank you for commenting and having these conversations with me/us... This renews my hope that we can actually reach people.

You two are definitely reAching people and with quality work. Sometimes it only takes one mind. The activist that make the biggest difference often start with one person. And your info is quality making it that much more likely to open someone's mind. This is my goal as well. And of course. My thanks to you as well. I love these conversations and they are important to have. Everything has progressed due to the exchange of ideas. That's what is so dangerous about this movement to crush dissenting opinions. It will slow down or stop progress. Put us into an intellectual dark age

Thank you... I take this as a big compliment. When we put up an article a lot goes into it. We do not want to give false information so we fact check a lot and we try to make sure that any random person can understand what we are talking about... the average person is not a truther and they do not know all the lies that have been told. The conversations with you and others is the best part of all of this. Hands down! It is wonderful to be able to talk about the things we have found . To be honest I started writing as an outlet. The information that we come across can be dark at times and I had to find a way to deal with it... so if I was having problems, maybe others did too. My partner is my rock. He is so smart and know so much about all of this but still lets me find it on my own.

I have noticed that they (media) announced many thought it was a drill when in fact it was not...
Seems to be alot of these bullied kids seeking videogame violent revenge tactics.
I think there should be more security at schools rather than taking away freedom.

Yes, they did start out saying drill and this was not a drill, however they just had a drill there before the shooting. Security would be a good start for this problem, but personally I think we need a lot to make this situation better and it starts with giving parents back the right to correct your child. Again this is just my opinion and I am not speaking for my partner when I say this (TBL is a team)

I wish we could blame video games... but the numbers don't match, sorry.

How could you just say "the numbers don't match" without display of numbers to compare... I say having grown up since Columbine when they blamed amongst videogames... Marilyn Manson and icp
Now nobody remembers goth or icp videogames are very popular now more than... yesterday... So I believe it's ignorant af to disregard them and the normies media as a highly probable common denominator cause for such abhorrent behavioral phenomenon

@moophatcow We get where you are coming from and yes back during Columbine they did blame everything under the sun and no it should not be disregarded. In my opinion yes video-games could very well contribute to this, but it is not the only factor.

How could they say X is to blame while only asking for my blind faith in your statement?
But lets look at the numbers. How many people play video games? How many people are murderers? How many people were murderers before video games existed? Yeah. I don't really need numbers for that.

FYI I was stating an opinion, just as you were. If we were actually having a debate I'd have to step away, cause I don't really care enough about this issue. But I think its a bit crazy that people keep getting shot in schools. I mean why do they need to do it in schools? Or is it that only the school shootings actually gather attention and it happens a lot in other places too.

Issues that I don't really care about. But I naively wish were different.

@alterna We (TBL is a team) understand what you mean. It would be so easy to place blame on video-games, but you are correct the numbers do not add up (the number of people that play video games verses how many go out and murder someone). Could it play a factor, most definitely but it is not the only cause.

I (not speaking on my partners behalf on this part) believe we have to start with the parents. See back in my day kids did not get time out, they got their butts busted and it worked. You did not see teenagers disrespecting adults. Somewhere along the line the government felt that whipping a child was "wrong" and now parents can go to jail for it... hence why we have this generation full of this.

Let me clarify. I've been beaten by a paternal figure. And I feel strongly against this. You can say spanking isn't the same thing. But frankly, can a kid really go to the state if they get spanked? It's not like they are assured that being seperated from their parents would be better for them.

Yes a child can be taken from you if you spank them... I know it sounds crazy but in some states the parents hands are honestly tied.

You also had more domestic violence :)

Do you think? Growing up I never really heard about domestic violence, but I do hear about it nowadays

No one spoke of it but I assure you it was there. You also have to make sure that the stats don't get skewed cause more people are coming out and talking about issues. I don't know whether it was more or less, but I've lived through some of it so I know its real.

i dont know, seems unlikely that both cnn AND bbc would fall for false news at the same time

and as usual i expect this to ignore the underlying problem and end up in a stalemate debate between the pro and anti gun lobbies
i think its been well proven gun control has mainly one result : only people with underground contacts can buy them :

it's different here and the mortality rate due to firearms related deaths is actually more because of suicide but all that regulation (several years ago , few decades i think, they gave everyone the chance to turn in their hardware here, free of charge and charges, and a lot did, but what happened to the pile of guns they would say they would destroy, that seems to be debatable. Hard to imagina that much potential dark money wont have been siphoned at least a bit there. But well, we all know cops and judges are infallible superman who arent just above the law, but above desire and human flaws ofcourse, i'm sure that's no different there : untouchable.

havent had hischool shootings like that yet, i think they give these kids something to keep them calm during lunchbreaks but the underlying problem where kids cant cope and decide to go out like that, because the moment they do they already consider themselves dead, i think very few will have the illusion that they will see the next day or get arrested once they get hold of that gun and pull the trigger. So that's not addressed and somewhat teh same idea where the governments here "looked into" all possibilties why this little hellhole would provide the most number of syrian IS fighter, all but one reason :"they never lay the blame on themselves, after all how could THEY be the reason people stop caring SO much they would do something like that?"

nice article as alway @truthbeyondlies

@rudyardcatling Thank you for the articles (the Washington post one did not like my computer lol)

In America you can get a gun on the street... You go to any place that the MSM has called a "hood" and you will find someone that can get you a gun. In Atlanta it is called the swap meet! For all the rules and regulations that they have put on guns, one thing I find amusing is that people can and will still get a hold of them. Lets not forget that most of these "shooting" take place in "gun free zones".

It is defiantly no different here. As a matter of fact I remember they had the same thing here. You turn in your gun, no questions asked and all is forgotten. I do not remember if they claimed to destroy the guns collected or not, but even if they did I know that would have been a lie... We are talking about a government that pushed hard drugs into selected community to 'control' them and this is not a theory but a well know fact!

One thing I have pointed it out is that back in my day we did not have teenagers like this. Today's teenagers have no manners and are disrespectful... back in my day they would have the butt busted. In my opinion our government has planned this and started working on this years ago. When they made it illegal for a parent to correct their child is when it really started. Throw in today's music and tv mixed with video-games and so on then poof you have this society. It is a shame. My partner and I have had endless talks about how this world got to where it is now. I actually sat here one day just thinking about when I was child verses how it is for children now and it was down right depressing. Children today missed so much because of the agendas that are being pushed. I know I am showing my age here, but I am proud of my age. I grew up in a generation that know respect, that understand the value of life. Children today do not know what a real cloud is, they think that just because it is up in the sky its a cloud...smh.

The reason we question if this is another flase flag is once again they just had a drill there... then a shooting (as another person commented on here @freeman123) it is like clockwork.

Thank you...we are glad that you enjoy the content we are bringing and as always enjoy reading your comments!

Vaya no había leído nada sobre esto pero un chico de 17 años provoco todo este desastre? Que ingenioso.

It is horrible (I will not speak on my partners behalf here, this is all just my thoughts and my opinions). The child was 17 and in my opinion he is another victim...I know some might not understand why I am saying that but he is a victim of the gun control agenda and society. The powers that be have already made it clear they want our guns and as more and more of this situations happen, they have made it clear that they are not going to stop until they have them. This society is broken and my hope is that people start seeing this for what it is and stop buying into it.

Cada quien tiene opiniones y pensamientos distintos, y la tuya es muy valida, si se equivoco somos seres humanos pero si lo hizo debe de tener una razón, y la sociedad hoy en día a perdido la amabilidad y tolerancia

Today's society has lost kindness. I cannot say tolerance because I feel that things are pushed on the public so much that tolerance has lost its meaning. I think people gave up the fight and I wish I knew how to light that fire in everyone and show them what is really going on.

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it's ALWAYS a false flag narrative gun control push.

It is happening a lot now, that is for sure! They have made it clear they want our guns.

7. There have been 22 reports of school shooting this year so far: Yeah that is a red flag alright.

Yes a big red flag.

And a lot of those "school shootings" were things like a guy committing suicide in the school parking lot, someone discharging a gun in the bathroom or some guy shooting someone at a party. Still techniquely school shootings but a bit misleading

@freeman123 We (TBL is a team) can see your point and yes it can be misleading in the "school" aspect of it. It still shows that there is a problem with our youth, and in my opinion (I will not speak on my partners behave on this although I am sure he agrees) guns are not the problem. There is more than one "problem" with this, and nothing can change until people change.

I most definitely agree. The issue is systemic. Almost all shooters had been on or were recently on ssri anti depressants as I'm sure you know and on top of that lacked father figures. I always find that so many issues are deeply connected. butbyes guns are clearly not the issue. It is so much deeper then that. As we all know guns are tools. They can be used or misused.

Exactly. Let's say "they" win and all guns are gone...the problem is still going to be there only now there is a new weapon that is used. Until the actual issue is address this will forever be a problem.

Exactly. A fine example would be London outpacing NYC in murder rate due to people wielding knives. Both having strict gun control laws but London obviously being the more strict, didn't matter. The perps just use knives instead. And when they ban knives it'll be acid attacks (already is). Then it'll be bombs. Then it'll be steak knives or spoons or rocks or sticks. The list goes on. Anything can be used. Like you said ( I know we're preaching to the choir but it has to be said) it's a deeper issue that needs to be resolved. It's not fire arms. And taking them away will just make a bad situation even worse. You cannot violate a right of another make someone "safe". The topic should be liberty not safety and the ends do not justify the means.

Yes you are preaching to the choir but it had to be said. For the powers that be it is not about liberty nor is it about OUR safety... it is all about them and what they are working towards. Until people see that it will just be more of the same.

Right but the insidious part is the fact that they constantly preach about national security. "Give up your rights so we can be safe!" When really we haven't heard the topic of liberty being discussed in congress in ages. The topic should be liberty, then actual safety will follow. But yes, something tells me the powers that be do not eat the food we eat, take the aluminum thermisol fermaldehyde ridden vaccines we take, drink the soda we drink, drink the water we drink and so on. In fact we know they don't. But yes, you guys put out great material so keep it up, I'll be following your content. Oh, question, you are a two person team? You said your partner so I'm just curious. Always interested in learning a little about sources of info. I don't need specific details, I write under a pen name as well just curious about that aspect.

I believe either everyone has to have guns or no one should have guns. But since that'd only be possible in an ideal world. I at least want unstable people not to have guns. So many times I say this and people have to throw me in either camp. I believe the people that want guns as a form of self defense have a valid point. I also believe that those that are against guns also have a point.

Both groups agree on something. They don't want to go around and kill people. Now all I really care about are those people that can't make rational decisions (due to being mentally unstable) and would kill people even if it was never intended.

I believe in the right to bear arms 100%, however there is always an exception to the rule... In a perfect world there would be a test that could determine if giving a gun to someone would be a "bad" idea, but we do not live in a perfect world. The girl sitting at the coffee shop sipping on her coffee could very well put on a show that she is well put together but in all honesty giving her a gun she could become the worst serial killer the world has ever seen. What I am trying (and failing) to say is that it not simple.

At the moment America doesn't even have a semblance of a test for mental stability. At least don't give random strangers weapons.

I also have to question the efficiency of simple weapons. "The right to bear arms" was always referring to being able to fight against the state if something like the British occupation were to happen again. Fighting robbers/murderers doesn't fit into that.

There have also been some other points made that usually the best response even when you have a gun is to run and hide. I think small firearms are better for this, not the sensational massive rifles that get all the attention.

With guns and cars, you really can't allow someone stupid near them. Even one kid getting a hold of a gun is too much. Even one accidental shooting is too much. I'm not saying this would never happen. But at least reduce the chances as much as possible.

America needs to work on this. There should be a test that can be given, not to mention a waiting period, and I think classes that are mandatory before you can own a gun. You bring up so very good points and I agree with you. I do not think the average person should have anything more than a simple hand gun. Now if you are a hunter that is different but there should be rules to all of it... and if the rules are not followed the "punishment" should match. Where I live, yes I do feel the need to have a gun, however make no mistake, we take every precaution. The gun is the last line of defense... we have land so we have setup "traps", not to mention we have big guard dogs...

I'll give you that but how many shootings with more than one victim?

Thank you. Do you think this is a false flag?

Well, maybe not so, spirit and keep doing the job well and according to the rules of friends

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