“Small acts of freedom will change your life”

in #freedom7 years ago

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We've been programmed to believe we are “free”. Much of this belief depends on the lens in which we are seeing it from.

Sure, we have choices, we do have some freedom, but the amount of influence present in society, the media and the government systems really makes a lot of those choices for us.

We’ve given up a lot of that control ourselves through this heavy influence. We’ve become unsure of ourselves and are reliant on society, the media and the government to tell us what’s best.

But heres what I’ve come to learn over the past few years, we can’t expect to be happy and feel free, living the same box, doing and believing the same things.

That's just ridiculous. We as individuals, long for way more that what seems to be available or what we believe we are worthy of. We also want very different things to get us to freedom. It shouldn’t look the same.

We just have to wake up. Make choices on our own. Break free from the influence and take the road a little less travelled. I believe some of us are even capable of creating a whole new road.

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Very similar to the influences that exist for us, there's fear-based beliefs that have been programmed into us as well. That if we try to break free from the influence, there is something to fear on the other side.

But the reality is, its more risky trying to be like everyone else. It’s very limiting in what the government is going to root for you to do. They want order, they want things simplified to keep track of, and they want you within their system, following their rules. That, to me, is more detrimental to the quality and wellbeing of your life than any risk.

Take back your power. The ball is in your court. Sure, their are still rules and laws we need to follow, but there’s so much more waiting for you. Freedom is a power to the people movement, the people and only the people will be able to make that happen.

Start with yourself, with small acts of freedom. Start to see things for what they really are. Break through the influence, fear and noice what distracts us from he truth. At least be courageous enough to search for the truth.

Financial Freedom

Being here on steemit or investing in crypto, is a good example of small acts of freedom. It’s a choice we all made that felt good within our own selves, and even though, the mass of society or the government would probably disagree, we do it anyway, and doesn’t that feel free?

I’m guessing there are a lot of entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs here on this platform too, and I believe being an entrepreneur and looking outside the box for ways to create better finical avenues and doing things we enjoy is another act of freedom. Betting on ourselves over trying to secure a 9-5 with benefits and “retirement plan”.

There’s more. There's just simply is more out there for us if we are willing to take back some of our own power and utilize it. It can and may be messy at first, but worth it.

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Time Freedom

I practise small acts of freedom on a daily basis. Being a wife, mom, and entrepreneur, I often wake up with some heavy expectation, responsibilities and obligations. Sometimes, I have to set things straight and choose to say “no”. I often have to put into perspective, what really matters? And only do what really matters and contributes to what I really want.

Taking back that kind of power within our daily lives can feel really free and liberating. It’s as simple as seeing it for what it is and making the choice. Obligation is a heavy feeling, and when I get the chance to get rid of it some how, I do.

As a huge believer in a feeling-based approach to life, using tools such as The Desire Map to map out how I want to feel in all areas of life, FREEDOM remains to be my top core desired feeling. I ask myself often when making decisions, does it feel free?

There is no better feeling waking up with no obligations and the freedom to do whatever I want. That is happiness to me. I am a creator, I need space and freedom to be creative. I’m way more productive when I’m free, rather than having a massive “to-do” list dictated by everyone else.

As we practise these small acts of freedom, we can move. We can be who we really want to be. We aren’t striving to fit into predetermined boxes. We are living in flow with the universe.

Ask yourself right now, what feels restricting and out of your control? Are you going to do something about it or are you waiting for someone to come save you or tell you what to do?

The biggest lesson through personal development and spiritual growth for me, was reprogramming my mindset that I am 100% responsible for my life. Even though I knew I was, I still has this belief that if I follow society and do what others were doing, I’d be guaranteed happiness. It couldn’t be further from the truth.

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Mind Freedom

As I touched base on financial freedom and time freedom, the other type of freedom I’m always working towards is mind freedom. Without it, it’s often the worst of them all. Our self-limiting beliefs can be more sabotaging than anything.

I’ve had and still have my struggles with anxiety. Mind freedom is something that is needed to achieve overall freedom. If we stay trapped in own head, allowing the ego to control our feeling, emotions and actions, we never get very far.

Small acts of freedom from our thoughts will gradually contribute to an overall feeling of freedom. Practising meditation and yoga are great ways to tap into that inner peace and freedom.

There’s times we have to get real with ourselves and analyze our excuses. Oftentimes, they’re beliefs that we’ve picked up somewhere along the lines that are holding us back.

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Strive to get to know yourself better. Strive to remember who you really are and honour your desires. Don’t allow fear to lead. Break free from fear, by allowing it to only become a background noise that you can choose not to listen to.

Remember, you are an extension from a divine source, and you have everything you need within you to survive this thing called life, and not only survive it, but thrive.

When we are sure of ourselves, confident that “we’ve got this”, these bigger control issues we will find in the world today, have a harder time getting by our freedom mindset. We will start to notice when it’s just a ploy, fake news, a government tactic, a fear based influence of society or our own self-sabotaging beliefs. We can call BS on it much quicker before fall into any trap.

Start practising small acts of freedom each day. As you navigate life, ask the question, does it feel free? If it doesn’t, do something about it.

We long for freedom on a soul level. Start honouring your soul and give it what it requires to thrive. Freedom.

As the masses become more awake, contributing to more freedom, it will have no other choice but to evolve on the bigger scale.

In the meantime, focus on the small acts of freedom we can choose each day.

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Images created in Canva


What a beautiful post for me to read this morning! Isn’t just amazing...the way they just have to constantly say, “you’re free” and we believe it. Thanks for being part of the revolution. Our collective consciousness is co-creative, and will bring down the cabal. Keep imagining a world where all knowledge and action is free, and we will manifest it! Have a great day:)

I agree our collective consciousness is co-creative and we will get there! :) Thanks so much for reading!

Really loving the stuff you post and it really helps my frame of mind. It's good to know that i am not alone in being a freethinker and it is good to know that there are other people out there that think freely. I appreciate your posts alot.

I'm glad you enjoy my posts and it's great to hear that it helps your frame of mind, it's really my goal to create content that is uplifting and empowering. Some of us deep, free thinkers sometimes need to give each other permission to do so. Your comment helps me as well :) Thanks!

You alright, @tressareid. make our own time schedule, do what we love in senses of human being,

Agreed! Thanks for reading :)

Freedom is a gift of God to all of us and we should use it wisely in any aspect of our life. It's a dynamic force that set the movement of thoughts into action and creates culture, science, policies and so on.

I agree, we need use it wisely, but some need to first, realize it's available. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Freedom is not a God´s gift.
It´s a state the the universe is in.
We (humans) are responsible for the peace on earth.
And it starts with everyone here. Including you and me.

Best article that I have read this month. I mean let's call class class!

Thank you!! I appreciate the feedback. Have a great day!

Wonderful post really well written

We long for freedom on a soul level. Start honouring your soul and give it what it requires to thrive. Freedom.
This really got me tanks for sharing

Thanks so much for reading!

Such a beautiful post and so true !! It is something that I am currently thinking about and sorting out in my life ! Thank you :)

It can certainly take time to make these types of changes. All progress is good moving towards a more freedom. Thank you for reading! :)

My sincere thank you for one, you gave me some Steempower, and I do not even kow you, and two, this post is everything I am about. Well.. Family, Freedom, and my Fitness. The 3 F's i call them Freedom is something I have been dwelling in while in a world of slavery. It amazes me that even though my mind is set to be free, I am surrounded by those that actually love or like, or just have become accustomed to being slaves to the ways of the world that dictate their lifestyle. Great post, and good to know I have a like minded friend in you. Steem on!

It sounds like you have some great values in place with those 3 F's, I love that!

I know exactly what you mean by being surrounded by others that do not see it as we do, in regards to freedom, and it can be frustrating. I just think, not everyone is open to it or ready to hear it, and we can only hope they will in time. Not everyone is comfortable with stepping out of the "comfort zone". We just need to be the ones to pave the way so they can see more clearly.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I appreciate the feedback! Following you.

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