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RE: If you're going to be opposition, don't be controlled! A message to Alex Jones About Steemit!

in #freedom7 years ago

I agree @kafkanarchy84 , in addition to that: The steem blockchain may in fact be censorship-free, however the Steemit UI is not. Steemit allows for powerful users to soft-censor the posts of other users. This results in posts getting dithered out, and being hidden from view. It can also result in comments being collapsed, and then dithered out. It may also lead to potential rewards being diverted to their intended recipients, and sent back to the reward pool.

I don't blame Adam for having fallen for Steemit's clever propaganda about being censorship free, I fell for the same thing. However, if you listen closely to them when they talk about it being censorship free, they are always talking about the blockchain and never the actual UI itself.

Ultimately, if Jones comes to the platform he will be able to easily defeat any censorship efforts at first. That is until the George Soros funded instaWHALES are activated. Then he'll be so busy trying to fight steemit censorship and engaging in downvote wars that he'll lose focus of the more important aspect of the info war. It might be better if Alex Joined one of the other services on the blockchain that don't engage in soft-censorship. doesn't hide flagged content, I don't believe it does. might not either, I am not sure though. One thing I know for certain that Jones would be interested in about Steem is the last paragraph of page 16 in the whitepaper. Jones focused allot on Sean Parker, when he came out to reveal how facebook was exploiting a vulnerability in the human psyche. Well Steem has that fact written right into their whitepaper.

Prepare for the great MEME Steem war of 2018, the censorship will be exposed!

It's intellectually dishonest for this platform to hide behind the uncensored nature of the blockchain when promoting Steemit, as if though Steemit has the same values.

Also, Adam it could be said that you were leading people astray by having them vote for Gary Johnson, he was openly in favor of the carbon credit scheme, and also pro-mandatory vaccination. That guy didn't have a libertarian bone in his body and it absolutely baffled me when you endorsed him. I don't know if all you libertarian folks signed a contract pledging to support the nominee, but if that's what you did, I would encourage you to try and get out of that contract. That endorsement was absolutely mind-boggling to say the very least of it!


I wish your comment could be resteemed.

As for the title by Adam. I find it typical of a growing number of people on the web. Alex Jones has spent his entire life arguing and exposing the Cabal, at a time when others would be killed for doing the same, yet now he is working with them? What are the other accusations I have heard? That he does it for the money and, that he is an Israeli and is trying to influence us so that we love Israel. Really? Is that why he is against the son in law of Trump?

To me, all the above, it does not say anything bad about Alex, just about those who make these allegations (without proof of course) and I have even less respect for those who do so without speaking out clearly, just imlying....

I find Alex annoying, but it is because I have old fashioned ideas of what I find dignified, but he obviously knows what he is doing, as apparently many love the fact that he hams it up now and then, otherwise, I must say I have never seen him make a false allecation - and if he makes a mistake, he is the first to broadcast an apology.

Perhaps Adam does have some good ideas in his book, but the truth is, he has lost me and I will bot be reading it, thanks to his underhanded methods.

I downloaded the pdf, but did not see any article with numbers, so I presume you are speaking of the psychology as outlined for the casinos? If so, I agree, it is definitely horrible and typical of the so-called Elite Cabal. A pity this is true for Steemit. I've already had a couple of fights with dolphins and I was threatened I would be flagged to zero (I did not and do not care, it is not as if I have drawn a cent or made a huge capital amount.)

My fights were about censorship (you guessed it? I am pro antivaccine posts and one was attacked; so was an author of very well-written books). They claimed that by making their posts not visible, it is not censorship, since anyone can click to make them cisible for a while. I told them it is in effect censorship and I finally had to stop, for they very doggedly insisted on them being in the right, not conceding any points.

It does mean I am now only half-heartedly posting here. I'll also go take a look at what Kafka mentioned, but I am also thinking, it seems the only way to justify staying here is to deposit some cash so that my upvotes are worth enough and then keep posting and rewarding myself, or helping others to reward me by my rewarding them - as the dolphins and whales do - god, have you checked out their often rubbish posts that earn huge rewards!

Hello @arthur.grafo

Sorry to hear that you too have been a victim of Steemit's soft-censorship, yes it can be very discouraging! You know, I'm holding a contest right now and will be giving away 25.00 sbd.

It's a meme contest intended to point out how ridiculous it is that Steemit engages in soft-censorship. Winners will be announced on the 31st so you have plenty of time to enter.

Also if you get a chance join FFF-SOS (Foundation for Free Speech on SteemitⓀ)

We'll do some virtue signaling of our own, about a value that actually has merit.

"The fact that everyone "wins something" plays on the same psychology that casinos use to keep people gambling. In other words, small rewards help reinforce the idea that it is possible to earn bigger rewards." – SteemWhitePaper.pdf - (Page 16) last paragraph!

Thanks for the invite, but I'm not good at memes, I am only good where I can be long-winded - which is why I write stories (one story about 25,000 pages and not finished yet...)

Even a search did not help me find FFF-SOS


Got one here for you, hot off the press!

It's a pretty simple group, but a powerful message.

Wow! - Good luck on your story Sir!
What are you writing about?

It is a fantasy story about a baby girl born with the gift of empathy. Not only can she feel the emotions of others (their emoting), she can also send hers so as to reduce their pain, anger, and so on. She meets a man she feels compelled to be with, and because she is able to take what little he feels for her and send it back with her own feelings, the two of them fall deeply in love - and his mind, because of her constantly 'touching' it, opens and he develops gifts (he refuses to call them powers). He dies and she races after his soul to the void, where the void is already 'streaming' his soul to its next life and she grabs at the core of his soul and brings him back. It takes years for him to grow out of the damage. He evolves, from his natural healing energy a healer and a protector (two faces of the same coin) and since the protector power is what I gifted him (they learn about me) no other Talent, even over million of years, is able to grow as powerful as him.

I am at about the 200th year of their lives and by then, Robert has over fifty wives.

It is a fantasy to amuse myself (I lost my business and had no money to even go out for a coffee), so I started the story. But it also has serious intent. Two of them: I wanted to know what a world would be like if empathy grows (not what I thought) and I also wrote it in the hope of touching the heart of 'good' paedophiles - to me, 'good' paedophiles are those who are attracted to children, but because they idealise them, they refuse to allow themselves to have any kind of sexual relationship with a child, but they do sometimes find themselves tempted, so I wanted to help them keep in mind that a child is not just the body it has; that what is most special about it is its heart and innocent mind. I have had two, one man and one woman, communicate in private messages that I affected them, stopping them at a time they were tempted. A third one asked for my help and luckily he held to his love and a few years later the girl found out how he had felt (he confessed) and she was so horrified, he told me he'll forever be grateful I helped him stop - but he was a drug addict and disappeared.

I do not ask for anyone to follow, even sometimes tell them not to, as I understand that most people would get upset at reading a story that examines such a subject - plus I have at times been extremely upset by real-life cases and built them into the story so that Robert can punish the perpetrators for me (and for the child harmed in this world).

However, I am elderly and alone, so I wanted that my story is on the blockchain before I die, so that I feel it has lived on beyond me.

Was that a long enough (and honest enough) reply?

Gotta be honest man, the beginning part of the story sounded pretty cool, but the other part about pedos, it just gives me the creeps.

Keep in mind that it was written to stop them. In the 1990's Amsterdam was full of sex shops with child porn and the internet, when I first came on, openly advertised Kiddie porn sites. When I first saw one (if you are old enough, you may have had the experience of dozens of sites opening while you are on one site. To kill them, you end up seeing them), I was in such a fury I barely slept for three or four nights.

I cannot go out and save the kids, but when there is one I can help, I do so. Most people I know just don't want to know and pretend they don't see what is happening. It is safer to rant at articles in the news etc. I even got threatened by the local social services because I refused to let them bury the fact that my neighbour hit an 11yo girl with his fists and when she dropped to the ground he kicked her in the ribs.

I am fairly good at telling stories about emotions, so this was the only way I felt I could effectively fight this evil.

The only problem is, I grew to love all my characters and, this may sound weird, they forced changes upon me, so that I sometimes forget and think I am like Robert, a protector of children. I just wish I had his powers.

As I told you at the start, my writing is being posted for me to leave it on the blockchain, in case anybody wants to read it years from now.

By the way, if you feel that way about a story, how do you feel about Trump having 4000 pedos up to now arrested but because nobody wants to hear about it, silence; and, how about the club in Belgium, only for the top EU officials, where it is alleged they rape, torture and kill children? The bodies are then sold for the organ market. One of them escaped and her story was in the news in Europe for all of a day and then silence. No denials, Just silence. And everyone plays along?

Our world has been made into a much uglier place than I had ever imagined it could be and sometimes I despair.

Sorry to download on you, but I get angry that any adult can tolerate what is happening and sometimes I feel very alone in my hatred of these monsters. I'm glad I never had any military training, or I might have been tempted to take action.

I did not know that about Amsterdam. It doesn't surprise me about social services though, from what I hear they are almost universally as bad, if not worse than the Catholic Church with respect to facilitating situations where they or others can abuse children. Overall, I believe that Americans are far less forgiving. I'd like to think that your average American male, after having witnessed what you described, would intervene not only swiftly but with such force and devastation that the consequences would serve to be a permanent reminder for someone not to do that sort of thing.

Good stories usually have good character development, and many times good writers like to blur the lines between the protagonist and the antagonist. Good writers can twist and turn situations where the protagonist actually becomes the antagonist and vice versa. Or, where things can be loosely interpreted; either in one direction or another. I am good with empathy myself, however, there are some types of people whose shoes I will simply refuse to put myself in, which makes it almost impossible for me to empathize with them.

I think your writing, after having being published to the blockchain, will probably be forever on the blockchain. If that is your goal that is likely what will happen. About Trump targeting 4,000 pedos, if they were hurting children, then I think it is a very good thing, part of the swamp drain. There is something going on in the EU and I think maybe in all countries with this kind of organized, maybe even institutionalized abuse. In the US in the 80's I believe it was hiding behind SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse), long story short I think that there are world-wide cults of child abusers that protect each other and it absolutely needs to be addressed.

The EU has got to be among the worst though, I think. They tend to gravitate towards positions of authority where they will be trusted, and have access to children. Like religions, and social services, daycares, who knows the myriad of places? Oh! and homes where social services place them. I think that many times the people who provide homes for the children who are kidnapped by social services are working with them criminally, in unspeakable ways.

I was watching Infowars with Craig Sawyer (Marine Vet) who is fighting against this type of thing. He is working on a documentary about it to shed light on his work to stop these kinds of people. Apparently, people have such a strong aversion and disbelief about the topic that they had to consult with psychologists in order to even address the initial cognitive dissonance that would immediately cause people to reject the information outright as being untrue, or lies. It's a disturbing thing, but I think the US is quietly leading the way against it. It's no wonder all of Hollywood is so venomous towards Trump, I think they have a lot of rich asshats that abuse kids, and because of their wealth have been able to do so for years. Now they are scared, and they should be, because it's all going to come out and when it does they are just done.

Yeah I think most of the stuff in the world is so ugly it's unimaginable, one might be forgiven to think that child molestation is the worst of it. Yet, these cults of sick fucks, I think they are killing the kids, and or torturing them after they abuse them. I mean in absolutely horrible ways. I learned about this from several documentaries and videos that try to shed light on the topic. [The Conspiracy of Silence], [The Woman with 7 personalities], [Project Camelot interviews Duncan O'Finioan] [Kathy O'Brien] etc. It goes even deeper than that, the kind of trauma that they can induce in people results in fractured personalities, and is sometimes used to create mind-controlled slaves. The handlers fracture the victim's personality creating a new one, and then somehow install via suggestion trigger words to summon, and or dismiss the different personalities at will.

There are so many different interconnected topics, and the way everything comes together would be mind-boggling and completely impossible for some people to accept. It's all connected, the more pieces of the puzzle you get, you gain greater perspective and detail about the things that are really going on in the world. Kind of feel like the US is at a crossroads, and that Trump is about to go full-tilt good, or full-tilt bad in his governing actions. The way he's playing the game it's almost impossible to tell where he actually stands on any given issue. In that respect he keeps everyone in a position where they are trying to appeal to him. It's kind of genius what he's doing, I just hope it isn't evil-genius.

No need to be sorry; and you are not alone with your contempt for the monsters. If what you say with your book is your true intention, and it actually has that effect at discouraging that type of behavior then I wish you all the best for it. Yet, I also know how stories can be, and different personality types might cling onto or identify with different characters differently. I hope it is not something that would serve to fuel a monster, or would-be monster. Who knows fiction is a powerful thing. I didn't mean to sound dismissive earlier, it's just not a topic that I like to think about, makes me angry.

Also, and I'll be frank with this point. If your book is in any way meant to titillate or stimulate pedophiles (of any sort), or if it somehow has that effect. Then kindly consider not sporting the FFF-SOS tag on your profile. That is just a suggestion. I am all for free speech, but there is some kinds of speech that most people universally find vile and disgusting, and I think that if your work is geared towards doing something like that, you'll find that most future members of the group would be less inclined to come to your aid. Each group member, including yourself if you count yourself as one, operates independently, and will choose of their own autonomy whose aid they will come to.

I really hated to say that last bit, without actually having read your work. However, I've just been picking up some strange vibes from the last few exchanges, and the cover art of the work, especially when you consider it in context with the conversation just weirds me out in ways I can't seem to put to words. My intention isn't to create an argument or a debate with you about this, nor is it to cause hurt feelings, or convey insult. Just saying how I feel.

Alex Jones wont attack the hand that feed him (zionism)

i stopped listening to that disinfo agent half a decade ago

on the other hand i been listening to MIlton William Cooper the whole day, 2 broadcast from before and after the 9/11 attacks.

have you listen to The Hour of the Times ?

if not, shame on you :)

Shame on me? You sound like you are a typical Democrat or a snowflake. Alex Jones is under heavy attack (you do know that he is being accused of being anti-jewish by a former employee?) and you think I should believe nonsense accusations which are not backed by facts, just innuendos and emotional arguments. That is how Antifa works, not how I do.

Actually, your other comment proves you are against conservatives. I suppose Soros is your hero!

However, I do owe you a thank you. Because of your accusations, before answering I wanted to check for facts and found Dr Bill and his video about Islam. It is a bit old but still great. I've now posted it elsewhere for more people to learn the truth. See? Even when globalists try to cause harm, they still get it wrong and unintended good sometimes comes out of it.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, yes, I have downloaded a few of his talks. Since he died years ago, how does he mark me as shameful, intelligent or not since he is hardly relevant anymore?


Yes! The Steemit UI could be compromised in the blink of an eye, and many users would have no idea how to access their funds. We've got a small anarchist network (Just search "Circle of Noisemakers" in the Steemit search bar) we are building if you care to join our old-fashioned support directory, exactly because of these types of realities.

As for the soft-censoring, that is good to know about and

My main gripe here is that Kokesh is clearly trying to paint Jones as controlled opposition via a cleverly worded title, and attacking him for being pro-Trump, while he himself was pushing not voting "lesser evil," and voting for the "ethical candidate" Gary Johnson. I'm glad I'm not the only one who caught on to this strange contradictory behavior.

Nice, I'll have to check into that circle, as I'm planning on making some noise too!

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