My declaration of Independence for liberty of the individual. Free for any one else who feels the same way I do.

in #freedom5 years ago

There comes a time when one must stand and say “enough is enough” to the government’s abuses, even if it means standing alone.
Believing that everyone has a natural and divine right to direct their own lives, here are a list of truths for the decision to sever ties to the government:
All men and women are created equal.
All people possess certain innate rights that no government or agency or individual can take away from them. Among these are the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The government’s job is to protect the people’s innate rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The government’s power to govern anyone comes from the consent of that individual.
Whenever any government abuses its power, it is the right of the individual to revoke that consent and/or for "the people" in any capacity united or individually to alter or abolish that government and replace it with a new government that will respect and protect the rights of the individual or to remain without any government.
The decision to repudiate government is not for minor transgressions. In fact, as history has shown, people resist change and are inclined to suffer all manner of abuses to which they have become accustomed.
However, when people have been subjected to repeated abuses and power grabs, carried out with the purpose of establishing a tyrannical government, people have a right and duty to do away with that Government to protect and preserve their innate rights for their future well being.
This is exactly the state of affairs we are suffering under right now, which is why it is necessary that we disregard this system of government.
The history of the present Government is a history of repeated abuses and power grabs, carried out with the intention of establishing absolute Tyranny over the country.
To prove this, consider the following:
I. The government has, through its own negligence and arrogance, refused to adopt or abolish laws for the good of the people.
II. The government has threatened to hold up critical laws unless the people agree to relinquish their right to be fully represented in the Legislature.
III. In order to expand its power and bring about compliance with its dictates; the government has made it nearly impossible for the people to make their views and needs heard.
IV. The government has repeatedly suppressed protests arising in response to its actions.
V. The government has allowed its agents to harass the people and steal from them. With asset forfeiture
VI. The government has directed militarized government agents—a.k.a., a standing army—to police peacetime.
VII. The government has turned the country into a militarized police state.
VIII. The government has conspired to undermine the rule of law and the constitution in order to expand its own powers.
IX. The government has allowed its militarized police to invade our homes. Through no knock raids and falsified warrants that hold no merit.
X. The government has failed to hold its agents accountable for wrongdoing and murder.
XI. The government has taxed us without our permission.
XII. The government has denied us due process and the right to a fair trial.
XIII. The government has engaged in extraordinary rendition.
XIV. The government has continued to expand its imperial empire and occupy foreign nations.
XV. The government has eroded fundamental legal protections and destabilized the structure of government.
XVI. The government has declared its federal powers superior to those of the states.
XVII. The government has ceased to protect the people and instead waged war against the people.
XVIII. The government has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burned our towns, and destroyed the lives of the people.
XIX. The government has employed private contractors and mercenaries to carry out acts of death, desolation and tyranny, unworthy of a civilized nation.
XX. The government has pitted its citizens against each other.
XXI. The government has stirred up civil unrest and laid the groundwork for martial law.
XXII. Repeatedly, we have asked the government to cease its abuses. Each time, the government has responded with more abuse.
XXIII. An Imperial Ruler who acts like a tyrant is not fit to govern a free people.
XXIV. The government has staged numerous false flag attacks to start wars examples:
1.)Spanish-American war, 1898: The surprise explosion of the battleship Maine at Havana, Cuba. 255 of the crew died. The Hearst press accused the Spanish, claiming that the explosion was caused by a remote-controlled mine. The USA declared war on Spain, and conquered Philippines, Guam and Cuba. Subsequent investigations revealed that the explosion originated inside the Maine
2.)World War I, 1914-1918: A U-boat torpedo hit ocean liner Lusitania near Britain and some 1200 people, including 128 Americans, on board lost their lives. Subsequent investigations revealed that the major explosions were inside the Lusitania, as it was secretly transporting 6 million pounds of artillery shells and rifle ammunition, as well as other explosives on behalf of Morgan banking corporation to help their clients, the Britain and the France. It was against US laws to transport war materials and passengers in the same ship.
3.)The attack on Pearl Harbor followed some 6 months later. Having broken the Japanese encryption codes, the Americans knew what was going to happen, when and where, but the president did not dispatch this information to Pearl Harbor. Americans even gave their friends the British 3 Magic decrying machines which automatically opened encrypted Japanese military traffic. But this same information was not available to the commanders of Hawaii. The movement of the fleet was also visible in the very effective radio direction finding network. Japan had an alliance with Germany, and the Germans upheld their promises by declaring the war against the USA right after the Japanese declaration.

Two scapegoats, the navy commander Admiral Husband Kimmel, and the army commander Lt. General Walter Short were found incompetent and demoted as they were allowed to retire. Short died 1949 and Kimmel 1958. In 1995, the US Congress re-examined this decision and endorsed it. Then in 2000 some archive information came to light and the US Senate passed a resolution stating that both had served in Hawaii "competently and professionally". In 1941 they were denied vital information, and even on presidential orders purposefully mislead into believing that the Japanese feet could be expected from the southwest. These commanders have yet to be rehabilitated by the Pentagon.
4.)Vietnam War: "The Tonkin incident", where American destroyer Maddox was supposedly attacked twice by three North Vietnamese torpedo boats in 1964 in the Gulf of Tonkin never happened. What was happening at the time were aggressive South Vietnamese raids against the North in the same general area. Huge American presence wasn't decisive and President Nixon negotiated a "peace with honor" in 1973. This war was lost, when North Vietnam finally conquered South Vietnam in 1975.
5.)War on Drugs: The war was launched by Richard M Nixon sometime around June 17,1971. The drug problem was found bad within the army in Viet Nam around 1968 prompting action was required towards the end of the war. Nowadays it is estimated that the military will never win the War on Drugs. The street prices of illicit drugs did not change significantly in the USA despite the military action in foreign drug-producing countries. The Colombian experience, with local military supported by the US, has shown that peace is more important than war against drugs. The Colombians have successfully negotiated some 1000s of guerrilla fighters back into the society and out of jungle.

This "war" actually seems to be a pretext for military invasions into less developed countries, where covert "bad" drug lords on behalf of western intelligence services are producing drugs into US and first world markets. This operation produces huge incomes, generating black budget money for those intelligence services managing the global drug operations.
6.)US-Israeli sponsored war between Iraq and Iran, 1980-1988: The US has built power bases in the Middle East in Iran starting with the CIA-organised coup 1953, where Iranian prime minister Mossadeq was replaced with the Shah of Iran Reza Pahlavi and he by his son Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Iran was equipped with the best western military equipment, including the American F-14 fighters with Phoenix missiles and the British Chieftain MBTs. Unfortunately there was in 1979 a coup of ayatollah Khomeini replacing the Shah and founding an Islamite nation.

After this, the US warmed up relations with their good Iraqi friend Saddam Hussein, and started to build a nation capable of challenging the Iran. Iraq acquired large numbers of effective weapons including factories able to produce older versions of gas warfare agents. These would later be called WMDs, which of course they were not, being the WW1-vintage weapons.

The war broke out and was fought to exhaustion because third-party powers, especially Israel, were carefully monitoring the power balance supplying more weapons to the side which seemed to be loosing. "Too bad they both cannot loose" is how Kissinger evaluated this situation.
7.)Desert Storm (First Gulf war), 1991): Hussein asked for permission from the US (via their ambassador April Gillespie) and got an answer that the US does not care Arab quarrels. That was a trap, and after Saddam occupied Kuwait, George Bush Sr. mobilized a coalition of some 40 nations to "liberate Kuwait" and to smash the recently-built Iraqi military power base. This also involved a media hoax, where the daughter of Kuwaiti US ambassador played nurse on TV and testified to "witnessing" Iraqi soldiers throwing babies out of incubators in Kuwait.

War on Terror: The war was launched by Bush administration October 2001. The war was claimed to be the response on terrorism, especially the 9-11 incidents. Most of the people in the world today know that these reasons are false and that those events were based on MIH type (make it happen) inside job.
8.)Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan invasion), 7.10.2001-: Without any evidence, the former CIA-asset, a Saudi-Arabian Osama bin Laden was claimed to be the mastermind behind the 9/11 strikes at the WTC and the Pentagon. Such a complex operation, if actually executed which it was not, in this case would be much beyond the capabilities of anything in Afghanistan. Only some top ten intelligence services in the world could hope to be successful in such an operation involving forgery, infiltration, living "underground" in a foreign non-Muslim country, coordination of moves, illegal arms, hi-quality flight training, accurate aircraft navigation in no-visibility conditions and so on. Perhaps even less, because the friends of the US (at that time, still most of the world) would also have been interested in stopping the attack.
9.)Enduring Justice (Second Gulf war), 20.3.2003-: later known with less irony as Operation Iraqi Freedom The claimed reason of the attack was that Iraq was a clear and present danger to the US with wmd's available within less than an hour after the decision to assemble them has been made. Since no wmd's were found, and after the Iraqi also scrapped some 800 long range Scud style missiles before the US coalition attack, the reason for the invasion was changed into "bringing the democracy into Iraq".

[ References
Why the Pearl Harbor took place
Robert B. Stinnett: Day of Deceit: the Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor, 2000
Mark Emerson Wiley: Pearl Harbor - mother of all conspiracies

Cordell Hull's Ultimatum to Japan

What the US usually knew in advance (books)
Fredrick W. Winterbotham: The Ultra secret, 1974
Bradley F. Smith: The Ultra-Magic Deals, 1992
F.H.Hinsley: British Intelligence in the WW2 (4 large volumes), 1988

How to create innocent-looking wars

How wars are made
Especially these items: World War 1, World War 2, Korean War, The Vietnam War]

We have repeatedly sounded the alarm to the people of the government’s abuses. We have warned them about the government’s power-grabs. We have appealed to their sense of justice. We have reminded them of our common bonds.
They have rejected our plea for justice and brotherhood. They are equally at fault for the injustices being carried out by the government; for those who passively accepts evil are as responsible as they who perpetrates evil.

Thus, for the reasons mentioned above, we individually declare ourselves free from the chains of an abusive government. Relying on God’s protection and our own, we pledge to stand by this Declaration of Independence for Liberty with our lives, our fortunes and our honor.

In the years since early Americans first declared and eventually won their independence from Great Britain, the descendants of those revolutionary patriots—have somehow managed to work ourselves right back under the tyrant’s thumb.
Only this time, the tyrant is one of there own making: the U.S. government.
The abuses by government and endured by the people have not ended. They have merely evolved.
We are still being robbed blind by a government of thieves.
We are still being exploited of by a government of scoundrels and cowards.
We are still being locked up by a government of jailers.
We are still being ravaged by a government of rapists and killers.
We are still being forced to not only surrender our freedoms—but those of our posterity—to a government of extortionists.
And we are still being gunned down by a government of soldiers: a standing army.
Hiding behind the guise of national security, the war on drugs, the war on terror, the war on immigration, and a plethora of other official-sounding programs aimed at expanding the government’s power at the expense of individual freedoms.

The building blocks for the bleak future we’re just now getting a foretaste of—police shootings of unarmed citizens, profit-driven prisons, weapons of compliance, a wall-to-wall surveillance state, pre-crime programs, a suspect society, school-to-prison pipelines, militarized police, SWAT team raids, endless wars, etc.—were put in place by government officials we trusted to look out for our best interests and by American citizens who failed to heed James Madison’s warning to “take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties.”

In so doing, we compromised our principles, negotiated away our rights, and allowed the rule of law to be rendered irrelevant.

There is no knowing how long it will take to undo the damage brought by government corruption, and apathetic sheep.

The problems we are facing will not be fixed overnight; the grim reality is that the longer we wait the more violent the state will become in its attempts to retain power.

We may see not end the police state in our lifetime or for generations to come. That does not mean we should give up or give in.

Remember, there is always a price to be paid for remaining silent in the face of injustice.

That price is tyranny.

You don’t have to play by the rules of the corrupt politicians, manipulative media, and brainwashed peers.

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