Centralizing the Decentralized: EU Plans to Strip Away Cryptocurreny Users Privacy Rights

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)


It took one day for the plot to thicken

It was not but yesterday when I wrote an article about the Interpol police state's plan along with 14 other law enforcement agencies in Europe to begin an attack on the Darkweb by targeting illegal usages of cryptocurrency. Yesterday they claimed this venture was to only protect citizens from cyber attackers and terrorist plotters but today it appears that they had all along deeper roots in place to also centralize the decentralized platform by making wallet owners of cryptocurrency included in a wide scale database. Further proving their lies about respecting the rights of law abiding crypto users rights to privacy.

For details on yesterdays post you can view my article here:


Finally with a public name for this law enforcement upgrade in the EU, TITANIUM stands for Tools for the Investigation of Transactions in Underground Markets. The scope of the project is to build tools for European law enforcement to better track criminals online to prevent and enforce laws against money laundering, drug sales activity, terrorism funding, and anything they deem as illegal use of cryptocurrency. This project will cost €5 billion ($5.5 billion) and there is plans to include universities under the budget to better enhance the scope of these cyber tools for EU law enforcement.

Respecting Citizens Privacy

The kicker in this recent update is this for me. They are announcing that law abiding citizens will be safe from any invasion of privacy under this project. Then again that appears to be a false flag front seeing they announced they do not deem cryptocurrency itself should have any anonymity built within its design. Under this project they would like to enforce exchanges and wallet developers to submit account owners’ identities to a central database. What government doesn't like a good old central database? This is also under another EU proposal released on March 9, 2017 to provide a law removing any form of user anonymity when it comes to using cryptocurrencies.

As I said yesterday they released a rough look at the plans and stated there was no plans to use this against law abiding crypto users but as we can see today, they are looking for a way in to centralize this decentralized platform on a more aggressive nature in Europe, maybe the world.

Also to clarify before you get confused, this covers all of cryptocurrency, this isn't just Bitcoin or its alt cousins, they plan on this approach for the whole of the blockchain system. The tools they would like to create is to basically allow a centralized peek into everyone's activities with crypto. The greater good they are preaching is to protect us from the darkweb and terrorists but after reading more into it, they just want to have full reign to snoop inside crypto, gain a master key to all our encryption and breech those important securities in the name of democracy as central systems tend to smoke screen with.

I am all for stopping the bad guys but how many more of our personal rights do they need to take so they can do their jobs? I am starting to think we may need some activist movement here by creating some court hearings for the privacy side to our choices in this or we might as well give up the battle to have a true decentralized platform. I hate to see this turn right into what we came here to not become personally.


Follow me @sflaherty


@sflaherty... Thank You 4 this important "Heads-Up"...

As others have already stated & suggested, this is very important to be aware of AND to share with others that are concerned with privacy & decentralization.

Thank You Steve 4 Your continuing & amazing Posts !!

UpVoted... ( WoW, my Voting Power is almost $1.00 because HF19 today )

Quick note: Sent You a DM on Steemit SBC ~ Thanks Again 4 everything You do !!

Soon as I get a moment I will check the DM, its just crazy right now...so many now wanting in with SBC and growing lol. Do my best to find a moment, running in circles. HF19 has done a lot of good but I am concerned if a major mass sell off happens, that will be bad for the short term but hopefully people realize this is a moment to invest more

No worries... let's shoot for after 9pm EST... and I understand Your time constraints which is why I asked You to point me to someone else for guidance.

You are currently "carrying" a heavy load because You are such a giving person...

Cheers !!

Thanks for understanding, I may need to get an office rental building here and hire people at the rate its going lol. But its a good thing, working towards the future finally. I will do my best to get on there at 9pm, should settle down by then

important information. thx, Steve! upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks @pawos this I knew was coming when I wrote about this yesterday, lol...they kept highlighting it won't effect law abiding citizens but today when I read more about the fact they want user databases so they can keep tabs on all crypto users, then I knew my gut feelings were not failing me that they want in this bad to enforce in Europe. Its spreading bad on this subject so I hope we will still have our rights to value what we want to value. Luckily its still legal now but if we give them an inch God knows what we will be left with

Sie werden dieses Gesetz ohne jegliche Gegenwehr europaweit durchsetzen. In Ländern, in denen eine Geldentwertung noch immer gegenwärtig ist (=Weimarer Republik, WW2), stellt eine Währung mit einer derart hohen Volatilität, wie sie derzeit in der Welt der Kryptowährungen vorherrscht, eine Gefahr dar! Eine größere Gefahr - in den Augen der unaufgeklärten Bevölkerung, als der von den Zentralbanken legalisierte Raub an den Bürgern mithilfe der Inflation.
Kryptowährungen fristen in Europa nach wie vor eine Nischendasein! Von 100 Leuten auf der Straße auf KW angesprochen, zucken 96 lediglich mit den Schultern oder verrollen die Augen oder glauben - auf den Begriff "Blockchaintechnologie" angesprochen -, dass es sich dabei um eine britische Punkband handelt... - die Sex Pistols lassen grüßen!
Na denn mal "zappenduster"! Cheers!

I seen SEX PISTOLS and CHEERS lol...did Hitler come out to you when you read this or something? lol...I tried to translate but google translator is coming up with nothing for me

zooropa wrote a very good comment. you probably just do not understand it.

no I don't lol....I tried to translate it but came up with nothing. I only speak english so I have no clue what he wrote. Google Translate seems to never get anything larger than a phrase

And I only made the light joke about Hitler because a few people on this yesterday were saying this Interpol policing reminds people of how the Gestapo started to police under Hitler. Find it so odd how for a century rulers of nations called Hitler evil but they are lately launching censorship attacks like he did. Crazy world

Hitler's "best Gestapo guys" structured and contributed to the rebuilding of the US Intelligence Agencies! Sad but true... - the whores of War still rule!

Be honest I believe the Nazis are the US Government at this stage lol...they rule very similar and I tell you this, I rather a government tell me I am not free and take my rights like men then this pansy usage of lies about it lol...least kiss me before screwing me here. We will get this world right somehow, too many people want a better way

THNX... appreciate it. It was one of the reasons why I joined steemit, because I want to exchange some views and experiences about crypto land!

Translated from G translate:
They will enforce this law without any counter-terrorism across Europe. In countries where a currency depreciation is still present (= Weimar Republic, WW2), a currency with such high volatility as currently prevails in the world of cryptanalysts is a danger! A greater danger - in the eyes of the unsolved population, as the central bank robbery of the citizens by means of inflation.
Cryophytes continue to be a niche in Europe! By 100 people on the road on KW addressed, twitching with the shoulders or rolling their eyes or believing - to the term "Blockchaintechnologie" addressed - that this is a British punk band ... - the Sex Pistols leave greetings !
Well times "zappenduster"! Cheers!

Thank you for that, not sure what is up with my version of it, wouldn't even come up with a word lol....maybe because I am mining and online and doing other things at once. Very wise words @zooropa and I agree about the robbery caused by inflation. Here in the USA we are looking at more inflation too, soon crypto is all we have. Thank you for that @farmandadventure odd I couldn't get it to translate at all lol

Youre welcome. At first it didnt work for me but it was translating the whole page. I copied just his reply and it worked.

I really appreciate that, I think for me its always 50/50 when it works lol...some days I can some days it is off or doesn't work at all. Probably need an update here lol

Sorry, but I just wanted to write in German once... because your topic was an European one. God s(h)ave the Queen!"

lol...nothing to be sorry about, hey if google translator worked better for me I say talk it all day long here lol. I really hope in Europe this doesn't screw my European friends up...they seem to be gunning now for the crypto users in a way I did not expect

Not at all: It's very interesting to see a different perspective. For instance... what I'm reading in the ALTA media (Zerohedge, Armstrong, SGT report, Celente) is the complete opposite to what news are transported per MSM in Europe.
No headline about the French election cheating... Venezuela... Syria... Europe is a vassal state to the US.
America wants sanctions on Russia and the European Morons agree although many EU-companies suffer under these measures and get bankrupt... - PURE INSANITY!!!
And now with "Rothschild's Baby-Boy Macron" and The German Angelator... - Good Luck and Good Night!

I never got that about the EU backing those sanctions, they not get they are letting the USA use them as pawns and not even get a benefit from putting themselves in the middle of that mess. Rothschild is one of the biggest parts of the issues with JP Morgan as well...those guys are literally selling the world out for fun

They fear what they can't control. Colour me surprised.

lol....exactly. Sadly though I think they are working on a way to control. They are putting a lot of money on figuring out how to centralize crypto. This looks like a lot of trouble coming down the line to me. Funny, just yesterday I posted about this and today they announce more to prove to me that they are messing with everyone's rights, they aren't too slick lol

One day a government will see and understand that freedom isn't defined by them but by society.
We are moving into an automated and robotic age. Jobs will decline.
Though it knows it or not, Steemit is becoming a sign of the future.
Our role in society and our contributions will be measured and paid similar to this but on a larger scale I believe.
They can't be allowed to mess up something they don't particularly understand no something that will benefit everyone.
Just my 2 cents lol

I agree, we got to keep the movement going and be ready to keep this the way its meant to be. I suspect BITCOINERS will be in the streets with signs soon lol

We will understand the bigger picture by the end of this year I believe. Assuming we still have electricity to connect a device and we aren't all irradiated dust.

Sadly they may come to that, cut us off from the internet lol...they are working on that as well by censoring it. These people need to get out of power, they clearly are not about the people and like you say, housing all the nuclear buttons at their disposal. I hope this one doesn't grow into making us back to poor yet again....I was really enjoying being able to pay my bills for once and getting a bluray now and then lol

We really do live hand to mouth. Lots of adventures but generally driven by making do rather than paying for the fun. But then, life is fun right? lol
I'm expecting a major war this summer and hopefully, for any of us that survive it, an end to this mafia driven governance of us.
A copy of your crypto on an sd card that will work through your phone is a wise precaution. Mad Max will probably only accept Bitcoin hehehee

lol...and I will be MAD MAX lol jk. I agree, paper wallets, safes and extra backups is going to be a huge must in the coming months. I believe in the law but only law that makes common sense decisions, now a days its getting to the point if you look at someone wrong that could be a 20 year sentence to prison and that my friend is asinine. Let people be, let them enjoy life and gather their wealth as they see fit. If a government learned to let wealth spread then they would have no worries and it would find them as well with wealth, there is a right way about this and a wrong way and our governments have been criminally doing it the very wrong way. You think the police would be less to listen to them and do their jobs by imprisoning the crooks on us

nice article

Thanks, I figured these things are very important for us users of crypto. Unsure where this will lead but we might want to keep an eye on the governmental activities so we know how to use this and where we can and can't. Sucks though I think they are trying to find a way in to mess it up with the decentralized side to it

Hopefully my country (Canada) lets it be a decentralized system

I hope so too, I am in America and sure doubt the USA will let it stay decentralized, have a feeling if the EU cracks how to centralize it, the USA will be on board too. Canada seems very open minded about crypto though thankfully, I may have to think about finding a country that respects crypto for what it is lol

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