Stop worrying. Start feeling, thinking, knowing and comprehending.

in #freedom4 years ago


Ever heard bullshit beliefs like “overthinking leads to worrying”, or other other similar notions? Especially when someone has an agenda or wants to hide something, and wants to deceive you into erroneously assuming that your curiosity or questioning is “the problem”?


There is no such thing as “over-thinking”. There is, however, such a thing as mind-chatter, which is the ego simulating lots of trivial things and failing to see the essence; or worse, an excessive process of coming up with excuses for its own bullshit, in an attempt to preserve a false sense of “identity” to whatever it is that the ego has come to be addicted.

See, “mind chatter” and actual thinking are completely different things, that seem similar, when people confuse different things with each other, just because they’re occuring in the same or similar contexts.

Worrying or “mind-chatter” are not “excessive thinking”, though. No such thing as “excessive” thinking. Genuine thinking implies comprehension (of the mind), which implies knowledge (of the heart), which in turn implies overcoming all fear. Because fear is born of lack of knowledge. Self-love and self-respect, which naturally translate to knowledge and comprehension dispel all illusions, including all fear.

The more we genuinely feel, think, know and comprehend, the more we become more and more of who we genuinely are, expressing more and more and MORE spirituality, creativity, intuition, intelligence, curiosity, courage, fearlessness, among infinities of other good and conscious things.

“Worrying” is the process of erratically simulating outcomes that your ego perceives as “unpleasant”, and then becoming sentimentally (not emotionally, but “sentimentally” – there is a massive difference) attached or addicted to the hesitation of facing those challenges. In other words, worrying is a minor to moderate expression of cowardice and fear, which resulsts from an attachment to outcome and a manifested lack of actual feeling and thinking.

So, stop worrying. Start actually thinking, feeling, knowing and comprehending, etc. Be brave, courageous, fearless, etc.

Bravery is the utter refusal to let fear influence us.

Courage is the process of overcoming fear.

Fearlessness is having risen above all fear.

Always being ourselves and doing what is right, no matter fuckin’ what!

Always rising above and moving on, standing taller and flying higher than we ever have before… a

Nobody and nothing whatsoever has any “higher claim” over our lives than we do.

There can be no “chosen” ones. Only we can save ourselves, and only we are responsible for doing so. All pain and suffering are always self-inflicted, and all evolution and elevation are always self-facilitated. By us, from us, with ourselves, both individually and infinitely.

Freedom is never given. Freedom is never taken.

I/we are all and always free and freedom, imagination, will and intent… infinity, unlimitedness and veyond… among other things…

Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.

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