Being classically liberal: zbigniew brzezinski eulogy
When you hear propaganda-demented liberacrat imperialists frothing loony-waffle palaver about the menacing Roosky bear, you are a getting a glimpse of the realpolitik handiwork of recently departed to the cold, frozen centre — the celebrity and political class reserved box seats next to Satan’s own perch — of the Inferno Zbigniew Brzezinski. The goal of US global domination was the driving objective of the hatchet faced, flesh-and-blood cartoon universe-grade super villain.
Withal, the isolation and destabilisation the former USSR, by means of the cultivation of the Wahhabi terrorists Mujahideen (proto-head-choppers that evolved into Al-Qaeda and ISIS) to engage the Soviets in a war of attrition…is among his blood-sodden legacy, a legacy that includes the recent Manchester terror attack (blowback from the bloodbaths in Libya and Syria), the neo-Nazi led coup d’état in Ukraine, staged in the service of installing a US/EU controlled oligarchic quisling regime, the subsequent assault on Russian-ethnic Donbass, and as noted “the Putin has penetrated the vital bodily fluids” fool’s narrative of Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper liberals.
The crucial question is: Who and What profited from the Zbigniewian stratagem and its concomitant, global-wide, modus operandi. Quite obviously, not the landscape of corpses strewn in the wake of the US imperialist death machine. Also, not the vast majority of the citizens of the empire, those without connection to the profiteers of the capitalist/national security state/military industrial complex.
In short, Brzezinski and his fellow liberal imperialists and their neocon doppelgängers are a clutch of blood-sustain vampires. The coroner report of Brzezinski’s death is probably labelled as a top level security secret, reading as it does: “accidental exposure to sunlight.”