Are you free?

in #freedom6 years ago

The geopolitical changes that have been happening across the world, starting with the Arab Spring at the beginning of the decade, are bringing to the fore of our minds the question of freedom. Trump's visit to North-Koreas was symbolizing a clash between freedom and oppression. Same with Russia hosting the world cup 2018. In my post, I would like to address the issue from the personal point of view. Therefore, leave aside the news and let's have a close look at your own private life.


Credit: Josephine

But first of all – one might ask oneself "why should I be free at all? I have a good life, I have a loving family, I have a well-paying job, I have meaning in my life, I am a distinguished citizen in my community – everything is fine in my life. So why change?"

And that would be a very good question. It is very very difficult to convince someone to get out of their comfort zone. That's why often times many people need to go through hardships. Usually, the call to be free comes from your soul and the human is being born with such a potential. If you read these lines then I believe you carry the potential within your DNA. Therefore, it's only a question of choice to answer this call or leave it for a while, perhaps for the next lifetime. As for one, regrettably, I have found out that the human doesn't have much of a saying. I say regrettably because there have been times when I wished I hadn't had to deal with the freedom issue. So for me, it's not a choice actually (some of you may argue and say that everything is a choice, and that could be an interesting discussion that I will save for another time). Anyhow, my point is that usually if the human doesn’t want to leave the comfort zone, and their soul self is not so adamant about that, life for that human will continue in their regular manner and the issue of freedom will be addressed in another lifetime.

To leave the cage?

The answer to that dilemma lies actually in the meaning of life and your take on that philosophical notion. If the meaning of life, for you, is to let the human "just live", while seeking happiness in the day to day routine, then there is no justification for you to evoke a change that will only cause your life to be chaotic for the most part. My advice is to stay in the cage because freedom will only make you suffer beyond your ability to bear. On the other hand, there are people who answer that inner call and use their human life as an emissary for their soul self, as an extension for an expanded consciousness. As a result, they free their souls and free themselves.

Whatever your reason may be, if you do choose to be free you need to examine your life and ask yourself – "Am I free?" And so, let me expose some of the ropes that still tie you to the ground, so to speak, that still enslave you to the matrix.


Credit: dreamstime

The things that keep you in the cage

  • Relationships – can you live without them? Can you live without other human beings and feel ok about it? A man is a social creature, but still, can you exist comfortably without anyone else and still feel you are not alone? Mostly in romantic relationships, if you find yourself thinking, "Oh, what would I do without my spouse/son/daughter/parent?"; "how will I live without them once they are gone?" – Then you are not free. If you look at your spouse and think – "S/he is my second half, my completion" – then you are still not free. If you search for interactions with other people just to cast away the feeling of loneliness, then you are still not free.

I know that some of you may cry out loud now and say – "but what is love and romance without the needing and the yearning for the loved one?" – and I tell you that this is not a love but enslavement! When you are free to love from your core of your liberated soul then you will know that the unchained love is more passionate and more romantic than the old cognitive ideas of love that your mind has been generating for your temporary delight.

  • Finances – generally speaking, if you have a job only because it pays your bills then you are not free. If you have a job that you hate then you are not free. If you have a stable monthly income that you can't possibly imagine yourself getting along in life without, then you are not free. Now, I am the last person to tell you to renounce your fortunes or give it away to other people (that probably would only deliver the enslavement from you to them). What I recommend is to be aware of the role that money, or any material goods for that matter, play in your life. Ask yourself – "what couldn't I live without?" Is it your car? Your house? You jewelry? Your leather black coat? Your beach house? The yearly vacation? And again I stress - not to be misunderstood – that there is nothing noble in living a life of a hermit, for money is a great tool. The issue is – can you live your life without that tool? If the answer is no, then you are still enslaved by it.

  • Health– a big box that humans live within. And why? Because it's comfortable. It's comfortable to take a pill that makes your flu go away, it's comfortable to drink some water with herbs that make your muscles work better, it's comfortable to have someone in white robe telling you what you should and shouldn't do/eat/drink. It's comfortable to inhale or inject stuff that makes you feel good for a while. It's easy, it's available, and it's comfortable. And it's a golden cage. Being free means that you are the only person that knows what is going on within your body and how to balance it. If you want to take a pill then you take it because you choose so, not because someone else recommended or ordered it. When you are free you know that your body is an extension of you and that ultimately it doesn't need anything from the outer to heal itself, be it a bruise or a "fatal" disease. I know that there ample of counterexamples, of people who would die if they didn't go to doctors or take some kind of medicines. But those are actually examples for people who have lived their entire lives as slaves to medical dogma. (Children with fatal diseases are something different which mostly relates to the soul's choices. I will not go into that now). So, in order to be free you have to adopt and apply the understanding that your body is not an alien mechanism that was given to you when you were born, but a living creation of you. This is a good start.

  • The thinking process– the most difficult challenge for those who want to break free. Your mind is the taskmaster that ties you to the mass consciouses. Unfortunately, there is no natural easy way to overcome it (and I strongly disagree with any artificial methods like drugs). The thing is this – in order to become free, you have to stop thinking. Simple, cruel, but that's it. There is no other way. You cannot be free and keep your thinking habits. You may laugh now – "what do you mean stop thinking? If I don't think I'll die". No, you will not. Contrary to what you think (ha!), thinking is not what you are. You only think that thinking defines you because your mind – your thinking mechanism – wants you to believe that. But, the truth is that your mind fears of letting go, reluctant to succumb to a much wiser part of you. I wish I had a magic wand to wave above your heads to retrain your minds. I don't. This is something that each human will have to do by themselves in order to be free.

I mentioned above the main four pillars of enslavement. But there are many other wardens, and here are a few examples -

  • Thinking that you have a mission to rescue the world/your family/your spouse;
  • The cult/religion you belong to
  • The guru you admire or worship
  • The spiritual rituals that you (think you) can't live without


Credit: 123RF

Walking the path of freedom

You will work diligently to get free, you will tackle those main four pillars of enslavement and you will see the results. First, you will feelfreer and then this feeling will penetrate your cognitive understandings. You will attract to you people who, like you, are free, and life will not be the same. This you can know for sure.

I will give you a sign. Each time you release another chain you will have a dream about flying. Think about it, because it actually makes sense. Once you cut a chain you feel freer and this feeling is translated, in the dream world, to a non-gravity state of existence. In the dream reality you literally fly and in the physical reality, you just feel freer. Now go back and recall your flight dreams and you will realize that such a dream happened after a significant decision that you had made.

Some words of caution – some people are so eager to break free that they might read these words and decide to: 1) cut themselves off from society and their relationships with people 2) give away their money to the near-by church/Guru/NGO 3) throw away every package of medicine they use 4) get themselves into repetitive rituals of meditation in order to annihilate their mind. To name just a few actions that a desperate human might do.

But this is not the way. If you are rich then you are rich for a reason. There is nothing wrong in having wealth, just don't be addicted to it. If you have a loving relationship then rejoice, don't break it. Dance with your partner the dance of life, just don't get addicted to them. The same goes for the other two issues. For instance, your body knows how to generate natural substances. Sometimes though it needs to be reminded and therefore it's appropriate to take medicine, for a week or two. If you become addicted to those, and you take pills forever, then you are not free. Your mind is a precious tool, but most of the time it needs to be quiet. Meditations will not help because they take you away from this reality. You, in case you haven't noticed, choose to be free in this world!

In conclusion

I don't believe that there is something bad or wrong in being not free. There are times in our lives when we need to live within a box – in our childhoods or as grown ps. It's important though to be aware of our position. It's also important not to be slaves forever. Meaning, if there are times in your life when you are not free, that's fine. You have your reasons. Just make sure not to make it last for too long.


Enjoy your free weekend


Totaly like the text man.

We are part slaves , part free , money is time for us in the economic system , doesnt matter what you study , for mankind to be free , first we need to get our energy from the right sources .

Sun , air , water .

I dont know if god exist , but in my opinion there is no other way.

Someone created that system of nature , that now starting to collapse.

And we , we are playing in a wierd , game .

Of 24 hours , while we work 8 , sleep 8 .

And the rest we watch tv ,
Playing games.
And make posts in steemit ;-)

while thise incharge , cutting up the trees.

For us to wipe our ass. Heh.

Hence my post.
It's our natural right to be free.

I wish I were free the finances and health are what is tying me down.

Freedom begins with acceptance. If you learn to accept your situation you then allow it to change.

I am trying with my health trying to accept my situation finances lol nothing much I can do about it thanks @nomad-magus

For example, your body knows how to generate natural substances. Sometimes, although it should be remembered and therefore it is appropriate to take medication, for a week or two. If you become addicted to them and take pills forever, then you are not free. Your mind is a precious tool, but most of the time it needs to be silent. Meditations won't help because they take you away from this reality; you, in case you haven't noticed, choose to be free in this world!

I believe that in great majority, the people we live tied to diverse situations and circumstances, after reading your clear examples, I can identify myself, with some dependence on my son, he is so small, that I do not want to imagine that he is not near him, I was absent many days, by a small illness that attacked both my son and me, I could feel that every second I needed to see him well, my thoughts were only based on which they passed their fevers,; I know you say that there is nothing wrong with not being free, but I am afraid of remaining in this bondage that I disguise with love, it is important to know the limits and above all to know that and when you can stop. Thank you, my friend David, I always learn from your contributions.

Being aware of your situation is 90% of changing it. 🙂

@nomad-magus..Man try to live free,,But the society surrounding him/her always,, the childhood life,Young age and old age ,,we are not live in free for the feeling of family,,you need the help others,,
If you try to live alone, this is your responsibility,,Thanks for a nice topic

Question: Are you free?

Resonse: I am not free

Reason being that am caught up and addicted to the performance of the various responsibilities of my life such as work, over thinking, relationships with the people in my circles in a bid to please them and also keep myself away from the feeling of loneliness as you have hinted about it.

Thanks @nomad-magus for the nice piece of advise.

In a nutshell am resorting to regulate my life in regards to the very many responsibilities of my life in order not to be enslaved by them for a long time.

Freedom is a very important aspect of life that yields forth peace in our hearts and a great relief from worries about so many things in life.

At least you are aware of your situation 👍

I hope every nations of the world will remain in fredom and peace..No doubt every nations is trying to get more and more nuclear power some of having already and want to earn more...
I also hope dvery nation should help to others to get freedom so that they can enjoy free and their own that world will attain a peaceful status..
Thanks for sharing your post..

... And when more humans are free so the world will be

"but is love and romance without the need and longing for a loved one? " -

My opinion
Love is one of the thousands of words of meaning.
When we say love him/her, whether we are sure the phrase love is really true love or just sheer obsession?

In fact, many people who hurt his partner, but he insisted that his partner loves. There are also people who are willing to wait and pursue the gebetannya years in the name of love. There are also couples who meet in person some day a new love. Whether any of it true love? Or just making this up for the sake of satisfying the sheer obsession?

Though love and obsession is sometimes very difficult to identify, you should be able to tell the difference. For the sake of not only yourself, but also for the good of others.
Thanks my Teacher @nomad-magus

Those who wait for love, or are not sure about love, hear a calling from within to look for love inside them.

I may not be free but I am happy because I know my family depends on me and I made myself a big part of their lives. However, I always willing to come out of my comfort zone or anything that binds me not to be free. But for now, I choose to provide and give my family what they need for them to be happy. Thank you so much @nomad-magus for all the enlightenment you're teaching us! :)

You are aware of your choice to remain in a cage, for the time being. This in itself is a type of freedom 👍

I am so happy to know this from you @nomad-magus!❤

Good post! Let me think about how to answer the best way I can. When still living in Holland I felt caged due to circumstances.. I lived in fear and could not spread my wings like I wanted to, and knew that I was not going to be happy again there.
When we left to Spain with only a few suitcases of our belongings the feeling of freedom start to appear, because the world felt like it was on our feet. We had no idea what was to come, and were volunteering for several months in Spain in trait for housing and food with our 3 month old baby (when we left she was 3 months). And then the opportunity came to settle down, got a job and we found an apartment. The feeling of freedom was there even though I had to work.
After a while I got in sick law due to an accident, and we knew at a certain moment that my boyfriend had to find a job (I did not have a steemit account back then) the opportunity came for a job in Budapest, we packed our stuff once again, and left in September last year.
We are now settled down, and my work is Steemit ;) I still feel like the world is on my feet and there's much to come (even though I have had several hard months with a passport problem, we overcame this and once again things fell into place.. My boyfriend doesn't feel the sense of freedom I feel, because he still works for a boss and has a lot of stress because of that...
But I am convinced in a couple of years he will feel the same thing that I feel, and things will get better.. :)

Thanks for sharing your personal experience.
It's no doubt that your inner freedom made the frequent travels and change of locations. Are you equally feel free to express yourself in your relationship?

Now go back and recall your flight dreams and you will realize that such a dream happened after a significant decision that you had made.

You nailed it, do you remember the dream I shared with you sometimes ago about flying?

I think, it was as a result of freeing myself from some burdens I've put myself.

Ah! Excellent. 👍

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