Want to understand the Deep State? Kevin Shipp is ex-CIA and summarizes the web of agencies, methods, and history involved

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

In this series of videos, Kevin Shipp presents a fairly detailed account of the Deep State and Shadow Government along with the various government organizations and private contractors that drive them. Much of what he presents you may have heard in bits and pieces in the past, but Shipp ties the pieces together to allow you to see the forest for the trees.

Shipp further covers many details of how spying and manipulation by the government is done as well as concealed. He explains the methods that the US government applies so that you never get the real truth of what is going on behind the scenes with government agendas and programs. He also covers a large number of specific programs that have run by the CIA as well as the people that were involved.

Lastly, Shipp covers the history of the Deep State and explains some important people and points that are often overlooked - one of them being that Eisenhower's original name of the "Military Industrial Complex" was the "Military Industrial Congressional Complex." Cleary US politicians would not have appreciated this one, so Eisenhower changed the name to avoid the uproar.

Part 2

Part 3


If ever you are interested in obtaining many details from this Kevin Shipp's 3-part presentation, I did a 3-part series showing a lot of his slides along with a whole bunch of extras...




Excellent.. thanks a lot! I will definitely have a read.

Kevin Shill...

Is there something else I should know about Kevin Shipp? I know what they say about "ex-intelligence" agents, but I haven't come across specific disinformation with him so far. I'd be happy to know if there is anything that he's already been providing that's questionable.

Firstly he is still alive, secondly his videos are all over youtub, and just to fully kill off his cred he is keeps saying chump is a threat to the deep state - LOL...

Love the way in his presentations, he keeps saying he has to rush because he only has an hour. And manages to waste half his time saying he'll explain more later and blathering on about a difference between the deep state and the shadow government..

And he reveals nothing that isn't common knowledge. John McCain, Lockhead Martin, Hillary Clinton - wow he should get a job on the Alex Jones show :)

My impression of him is a bit different. Yes, he definitely covers a lot of topics that any seasoned researcher will already know about, but I didn't get that he is using avoidance tactics. He also ties all the pieces together regarding the various agencies involved and what each of them do. He also adds in quite a bit of interesting history tidbits that even I did not know and that typically you don't find elsewhere.

Is he going to lay out how the CIA sets up their honeypots with pedo-peddlers, who they are, and how they specifically compromise people? No, this is likely why he is still alive and free. However he will talk about what they are up to in a credible way that most people still don't already know about. This is why I found the presentation very interesting.

I can't prove anything, it's just my opinion, but I'm increasingly suspicious of people like Kevin Shipp and Sibel Edmonds, and all the Qanon bullshit that is being posted on Steemit is boggling my mind.

Honestly, anyone who thinks the fact that killary is evil is in some way news, or that chump is "exposing the deep state" needs to wake up!

I'm highly suspicious of most everyone in politics, media, and alternative media and Agent Orange (a.k.a. Trump) is one of them. I also agree that Sibel Edmonds went totally unhinged after James Corbett called her out on some previous unhinged behavior. I don't trust her either. Regarding Shipp, I trust him to the extent that he gives accurate info on the intelligence structure and function in the US. That's pretty much it. I don't pay attention to anything else with him, and to be fair, he doesn't talk about much else either.

Regarding Trump, there is massive, in your face evidence that Donald Trump is simply a "lesser evil" Zionist puppet. He is in my view working for a separate Zionist faction that is willing to throw Hellary and Co (including her pedo friends) under the bus as long as he delivers on some key Zionist goals - e.g. Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and taking out Iran. (Of course we know the CIA and MI6 f**ked up Iran ages ago by taking out Mossadegh, installing the Shah, and have been running covert destabilization actions ever since.)

The end game has always been a one world government led from the throne of Jerusalem with an anti-christ messiah sitting on it. (This is already alluded to in Rothschild documents from the 1800s when they were buying up Jerusalem.) As long as Trump delivers them this, he is allowed to take out Hellary and Co, but the end game hasn't changed.

The Q "tips" (i.e. "crumbs") very much appear to be part of a psy-op story to keep the Trump supporters happy as he appears to go unhinged in Syria and with Russia. This explains why the arch-decoder in chief, Corsi has all his past ties to the Zionists and B'nai B'rith including his previous work with psy-op extraordinaire and the father of propaganda lies, Eddy Bernays. (Corsi just talked all about it in a recent interview.)

Trump is certainly better than Hellary if he at least does some positive things for the US like stopping the human trafficking under the bill he signed for this. The Clinton Foundation (under Laura Silsby) was caught trafficking children out of Haiti and Hellary would have started WW3 with the Russians the first day in office. However, the NWO led out of Jerusalem is still the end goal and Trump has been put in place to hand it to them. That's clearly the deal he made otherwise he wouldn't be chumming around with the likes of Sheldon Adelson, Bibi, John Bolton, and all the other major Zionists and Neo-cons he's associated with.

Awesome reply - if you chuck some pics in that it could be a post!

Thanks! That's a good idea. I'll pull one together from it.

Good review.

Thanks. I hope you enjoy the presentation. It's very worth watching


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