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RE: The Trump / Q-Anon psyop - Good guy / bad guy theater on the way to a one world government: Part 2 - Q the Zionist psy-op
X22 report does the same thing SGT Report does. All they do is bat these stories back and forth about the "deep state" being on the move and Qanon taking out the pedos. It's quite laughable, really. I feel sorry for them at this point. There's nothing that will correct our present course except for the worldwide population to go E PLURIBUS UNUM on every HQ with an obelisk, and that's just the opening volley.
I agree with you. X22 has over 170k subscribers. What does that tell us? The light at the end of the tunnel is a speeding train...
We keep writing, we keep sharing. We become more emboldened than the propagandists that blatantly lie and obfuscate both truth AND reality. I've gotten to the point where I know I'm not on this Earth to make any friends other than men like us. I'm here to make the people open their minds, to shake them off their zombie fluoridation foundation and pull them into the mirrorworld.
I agree to an extent. SGT Report at least delivers some meaningful content now and then (albeit far less lately). X22 Report (by the way, this name has a definite kabbalistic meaning) just bats around total BS at least twice a day about how the economy is about to collapse any minute. I think he alternates his ridiculous content with Gregory (Freemason) Mannarino who regurgitates the same basic storylines but without the crappy intro and lame music.
X22 with 170K subs says to me that he's getting counter-intel bots driving his traffic (and likely Mossad.) The scary part is that I think I'm more comfortable thinking it's Mossad than it's people dumb enough to subscribe to that tripe.
But I digress.. A mass awakening is what is what is truly needed and if that happens the "deathguards" of the cesspool swamp will be dragged through the streets regardless. The real difficulty is waking enough people so that it's no longer possible to tell some lackey police and soldiers to round everyone up. Considering the complete indoctrination and constant psy-oping of the masses, I'm not sure how this is going to occur. However, I just keep writing and hoping that it helps..