RE: Camera, Police and Freedom
"The danger is that we take small steps allowing forces to invade our privacy more and more for good reasons, to eg prevent some crime; But after taking many of those small steps, we will come to a point of no return and we only need a couple of bad actors to abuse the power one has when being able to track individuals in society.
I agree big time. Before you know it we're trapped with a chip in our butts. I basically agree with whole your post only not that people expect to be safer with more cameras.
"Somewhere we need to draw some lines and I think we need to draw it between voluntary and obligatory
Makes total sense to me. And i really dislike other privacy issues. Like giving up my mine fingerprint years ago for my id card. I asked the women behind the counter do you ever have people who refuse? Nope I was the first one asking questions about it.
How people are not thinking of long term implications of their actions :(