The Perfect Dictatorship

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Democracy these days has been substituted with hypocrisy, as a matter of fact I would say that was to be expected, theory is not one with the practice. The unstoppable greed of a few subjugate the interests of the vast majority, in the so called civilized world. This might be surprising for some, but the disregard of the individual rights affects profoundly the majority. If that is not obvious, think for a second. How do you expect the people as a whole to retain their rights when the individual ones are trashed?

Western democracy in today's "capitalist" countries is actually a refined form of slavery, some of the defining characteristics of the system are fraud and greed, the later being the dominant mark of those in power, who are running the system. All they want is... more power, and it never ends.

This "capitalism" is a monopoly in the hands of a select few, those are far less than 1% of the human population... if they are human at all. What they do with this entire planet is despicable, a slow genocide takes place right before our eyes and we keep watching hypnotized, without moving a finger to stop it. This is the scale of control that the minuscule minority of the ruling class has over the the people of this planet.


Governments rule mostly by fear tactics, waging wars that already killed millions of people, and with each war that those so called illuminati start, they grow more powerful. Instead of holding them accountable for all the lives those wars claim, we fight each other, while they are amusing themselves at our expense, and pretending they care by coming up with solutions for the problems they created in the first place.
The choice of their tools to accomplish all this include the old, yet effective "Divide and Conquer" strategy and shameless hypocrisy, which uses a plethora of manipulation platforms, such as media (promotion of violence, pornography, etc.), pharmaceutical industry and advertising, to name only a few.

The fear tactics mentioned above are used extensively, not only internationally, but on a daily basis in an individual's life as well. One of the most mundane being the fear of job loss. Unemployment rates are sky-rocketing, and that's a phenomenon deliberately created by the government.
Sooner, rather than later the entire work force will be replaced with machines anyway, and so they will be able to do away with you. When that takes place, humans will become an illegal species on its way to extinction. The slaves of the future will be mechanical ones, obedient by design, not born as free spirits by nature, who require life long indoctrination.

Big governments are mass murderers. Let's take as an example just the most blatantly obvious act of aggression, they constantly perform on all of us: killing. They literally do this around the clock all over the world, in many forms, but the most direct one is, again thru wars. When was there a time of peace? as far as I know, since I can remember there was always a war somewhere in the world. A war is a tool of committing mass murder and at the same time securing their lust for power. If a regular, working citizen commits murder, that person is sent in front of a tribunal and receives a sentence, which in most cases is either detention or the capital punishment (in U.S. and several other countries), especially if that crime was committed with intent. But for the crimes a government commits there is no punishment.

For their crimes, governments do not answer to anybody, while that is not the case with the regular individual, who is made an example of. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE?! Let me answer my own rhetoric question... is non existent, there was never such a thing. All the laws those corrupt governments pass are hypocritical in nature, double sided, the law applies to the working class only. The corrupt politicians cannot be touched by it in any way, shape or form, they are protected by default, because they make the law and are therefore above it.


All this is orchestrated by the "elite" carefully choosing their puppets, which those who watch the brainwashing television, can see everyday. but guess what?! the real puppeteers are never revealed on the screen, they hide behind a cloud of smoke. The difficulty of bringing those responsible to justice lies in the fact that they cannot be easily identified.
To get rid of a weed, you pull its roots out, the equivalent in this case is to take apart the system.

As mentioned before, the use of high positioned puppets, like head of states and the cohorts of politicians they surround themselves with do the dirty work, is a common and glaring practice. Make no mistake, anyone who steps into politics today, most often than not is just another rag doll, looking to get rich by driving the people using both the whip and the carrot, whichever is best suited at the moment. Divide and conquer is a strategy they deploy at every level of society, and in all aspects of life. Unity among the population scares them, as it means power, and they avoid having to deal against that by embedding thoughts of division to ensure perpetual slavery.


The censorship and state owned media brainwashing go hand in hand. Differentiating between truth and lie was very hard, for the regular citizen in the pre-internet days, but we are in 2017, and things have changed, the information is circling the globe very fast these days. There is no excuse to believe the fabricated news that the system feeds you. Disinformation and manipulation has taken on a different dimension, however the truth is available if you dig and sort thru all the nonsense that's piled on top of it.

There is only one terrorist organization that I know of in the world - THE GOVERNMENT. Everything else is just dust in the eyes created and perpetrated by the globalists, with the sole purpose of enslaving mankind... by the way can you guess what N.A.T.O. stands for? If not, read the preceding sentence again.

Unfortunately the vast majority of people in "developed" countries still refuse to accept the truth, they do not want to face the fact that their entire existence is that of a slave. Most people would rather buy into government's lies than wake up to the harsh and bitter truth... Nothing is more irritating than knowing that you've been had. You will not free yourself, unless you accept the truth, then find ways to escape this system of slavery. Government's deception has no limits.
However, there is still hope. More people keep waking up and see what is going on, we are still a minority, but that is rapidly changing.

While the government keeps you occupied with nonsense, you miss what is going on in the background. What really matters is your freedom, but you are distracted by the puppet show the politicians play, and all the garbage they suffocate you with. Turn off the TV and turn on your brain.

However, it's not just the government, but those giant corporations as well, all competing to manipulate you. The Government protects the banks and corporations while exploiting the people, actually there is a word for that, "Corporatocracy". This monster that you are serving has grown out of proportions, and it's all on your shoulders, a lot of taxes to be paid in one form or another, the system it's all about take, take, take. Just like a leach, the system sucks your blood.

The government is the only enemy there is, the propaganda is like a venom for your brain, and you are immersed in it, whether you like it or not. If they can enforce rules and regulations that take away your most basic liberties, and that doesn't bother you, then you are part of the "happy" concentration camp. Unfortunately all this begins from the moment you came into this world... screaming and kicking for freedom, but that quickly vanished. However, it's not too late to change, you can outgrow it, and make your own choices, if you decide to do so.

The human kind is being manipulated on a global scale, the vast majority of people are being kept in the dark, just like mushrooms.
Think about what you've been feed, since you were born. Today's women rarely breastfeed their children. You were fooled right from the start with the milk formula that you were happily sucking on after birth, thinking that it was your mommy's healthy breast milk. The system has a hold of you up to your departure from this world of "living". The food that is pushed on the shelves today is really a chemical waste. Check the labels, see if you understand what each of those ingredients are, and ask yourself what else might be in there that has not been listed? This chemical filled, artificial, crappy food is what makes you sick. Then you have to spend your hard earned money on all sorts of drugs with major "side" effects, that only make you more sick. No wonder I'm sick of all those governments.

If you could have a healthy diet would be great, and is still possible, but that is never advertised because the doctors and pharmaceutical industry would go bankrupt. People are discouraged to grow their own food, God forbid... the system wants you to be sick, controlling what you put in your body is of major importance to keep you in check. Have you heard of "Mens sana in corpore sano"? it comes from Latin, and it means "A healthy mind in a healthy body"... guess what, your government has covered you on that, but if they would use that as a motto the word "healthy" would be replaced by "miserable". Governments do not solve anything, they create all the problems.


Those governments destroy the most basic cell of the society, that is the family. Look around you, disruption of relationships in the family is yet another way the government takes control of you. Feminism was invented as an easy way to control future generations, it was never about empowering the women. Children without family education become educated by the system, How can they destroy the family? Very simple, drive the father away, push mothers to work and children are left in who's care? that's right... government's. And the state shoots two rabbits with a single bullet, will take taxes from the woman, which wouldn't happen if she would stay home to raise her child, and now that she is working, cannot attend to her child's education in a significant manner. Schools, are conditioning centres to turn you into the perfect slave and force you to accept control over your life from an early age, and hence how the system operates. By the time the child reaches adulthood, being watched over is considered a blessing, as in "the big brother is protecting you", this is dictatorship by consent. This system of control is the worst nightmare for the human race and a poison for our planet. As long as you are in a sleepy/drowsy state you surely belong to the government.

For you to be free, GOVERNMENTS MUST FALL!! That happens with SOLIDARITY AMONG THE PEOPLE AND PEACEFUL, NON-COMPLIANCE TOWARDS AUTHORITY. Simply put, unplug the television and refuse to go to work! Get off the wheel rat race!
When governments will have no one to command, they will disappear, but that must happen now.

This modern "democracy" enforced by governments is a prison without walls, invisible and almost undetectable. It takes over your mind in such way that you cannot even see the need to be free, and for that reason is the perfect dictatorship... but a government without the support of the people will not endure, not for long. Governments should serve their people, not rule them. The sole purpose of the government, as an institution, is to render service to its citizens, if that is not the case, such government has no value, it's not only worthless and obsolete, but unlawful.

We live uncertain and interesting times, things are changing, but how are they changing? Well that is up to us, we have to stand united. Only together we have the power to change this world for the better.
Imagine a world of freedom, see no government and it will vanish, one day you will wake up free. Are you awake yet?

01 July 2017
Marius C.

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