Monero Devoloper Ricardo Spagni aka Fluffy Pony to Launch Blockchain University.

in #freedom6 years ago

This is big news for lots of reasons.

Not the least of which are simply:

  • The confirmed lack of proper "blockchain talent" in the space overall, with respect to coding and economics.

  • Fluffy Pony is very very active every day online and in the space, helping lead the way.

South African blockchain startup Tari Labs has unveiled a free online university that makes training accessible to local and international blockchain developers. Tari was developed and launched earlier this year by local blockchain expert and Monero promoter Riccardo Spagni alongside American investors, Naiveen Jain and Dan Teree.

Reasoning Behind New Project:


Tari particularly aims to readdress the endpoint experience of digital assets such as in-game items, digital collectibles, concert tickets, loyalty points and other digitally scarce commodities.

Naiveen Jain believes that digital assets are “great use case” for Blockchain technology, and in his opinion, there is “an opportunity for a frictionless experience” where users can store and most importantly, transfer digital assets in line with the rules of use preset by their sellers. The Tari protocol was created after the three concluded that none of the already existing blockchain protocols would suffice in developing their solution to address actual problems.

With the establishment of the proposed free blockchain university, their hope is that Tari Labs will be able to take part in creating the next generation of expert blockchain and open source developers who will be able to spread the Tari protocol further.

Sources inside the project said:

“Tari Labs University aims to become a go-to destination for easily-accessible learning material for blockchain, digital currency and digital assets, from beginner to advanced level. The more blockchain experts we can develop, the better it is for the ecosystem as a whole”.

The University Github resources are here:

Further Reading / Source:

I have cross posted this from my longstanding and established crypto/liberty blog at if there are any flags or concerns that this might show up as plagiarized etc. It is not, please check my blog links.

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