Don't Try To Improve The Government. Take Advantage of it

in #freedom7 years ago

Anarchists are perhaps the most idealists of us all. They acknowledge that a given government is corrupt and they try with their own way to fight it. This, I believe, is the worst thing one could do. Those who survive do not fight against the grain. They learn to go along with it.

The reason most centralised institutions are incompetent is due to the nepotism that eventually builds within the ranks. Whatever has given rise to those in power or control, begins to fall apart when incompetence starts flowing through the veins of the system. Add to that the thirst for power, seeing things from a privileged perspective and single points of failure and and the result is an organisation that does not know what they are doing or how their demise is imminent. Yet, they believe they control and know everything, forever.

No matter how frightening this might seem, one should analyze each and every situation with their individual government carefully. Every event in this life can be taken advantage if one is diligent enough. Why fight a conglomerate of power when you can simply manipulate the system to do what you want?

Most people within the government for example have a wagecucking mentality. They work 9-5, go home to their family, vote for the party that shoved them into that miserable, repetitive job and life goes on until they die. This also applies to many people outside the government. The only ones that appear to be able to go around this mentality are the people who own their own business, the investors and entrepreneurs.

A five minute talk with a government employee is enough for one to understand how rotted their existence is. Their only care is how to get a 2% raise over the next 6 months. They count how many benefits and discounts they can put on the side even if these account for minimal gains. In other words, they fail to see the bigger picture and mindle like pathetic pesky rats around breadcrumbs that their masters threw at them. They only see what is in front of them and they use stupendous arguments to defend their position.

Why complain about the poor road design when you can take advantage and park wherever you want? Why complain about funding when one can setup ridiculous schemes and still get away with it because they fail to do the necessary due diligence. Why worry about identity when you can make one up and make them believe is real? Why bother about any fucked up policy or mentality when you can use it against them?

This very simple mentality is what separates the entrepreneurs from the rest. A system such as government is as good as the resistance it can take. If you can work your way through their own rules, and manage to fuck them up, then it is a fail of their own design. It should go down.

Consider this as a "stress test". When the DAO hack occured, I applauded the effort. I found nothing wrong even if it appeared that the guy "stole" the funds. As far as I am concerned the DAO guys claimed that "Code is law". Well, somebody found a way around their code and made his own laws. Too bad. The fail of their own design was proof when the mistake was bailed out (much like a government) instead of letting it die off.

These is no reason to stress over ethics and relevant mambo jambo when the top makes them up on the go. Ethics are what the majority invent in order to keep their peers (and themselves) enslaved. Those who lifted themselves above the rest did not follow the same rules and never bowed to either a government or another huge entity. They played the system, destroyed it and rose above it.


The government can never change honestly , we have tot ale advantage as much as possible because what else will they be good for if they aren’t serving the people

Who is the government.. no one because its just a word that sheep like you, use to lay the blame on.

I disagree with damn near everything in this post. Seriously.

Yet, I completely agree with most of its conclusions. WTF?

So, I immediately upvoted and reposted it.

Otherwise, what's the fun in coming here? There's plenty of Pablum on FB.

Thank and fuck you, for this spirited take on passive-aggressive anarchism that now has me confused about my loyalties, just as I leave to go grocery shopping.

No this post is pure shite... it's mental masturbation.. don't let it confuse you! read my comment to understand more..

I want the previous @kyriacos back ! This here is seriously muddled thinking ! A bit like failing to see that the forest is actually made of trees ... "The government" doesn't exist. The government is made of people and one of them could be you, or your cousin, or your mom. The way your "mom the government official" behaves when at the office might surprise you (in a negative way).

The reason is that to government is a social construct and works as a system. The fundamental truth is that people respond to incentives and if the incentives are badly aligned the resulting behaviour will appear stupid. The officials who are responsible of poor road design or bad policy has no incentive to get it right - instead he has an incentive to make his life and work as easy as possible in order to be back home at 5pm because he's paid the same thing anyway. So if he can get away with an idiotic road design, why not do it since it's less effort and it won't affect him personally anyway ?

The answer is not to take advantage of the system - that is reckless and implies disrespect and uncaring toward your fellows in society. The answer is to do whatever in your power and suitable to your situation in order to try to improve the system design. That could be signalling bad decision-making, suggesting improvements, getting involved in politics, etc.

One person doing that has little influence but if the "improvement" religion spreads, then it can do wonders - this is how most advanced societies have pulled themselves up by the stings of their own boots: gradually, seeing that other people voluntarily refrained from absuing a fragile system, other members of society reciprocated and this resulted in a virtuous circle

While I can understand your point of view, I really don't understand the contempt. We get it that there is incompetence in government. There is also incompetence in business. Even entrepreneurs can be incompetent. If they learn from their mistakes, they become "successful entrepreneurs".

Contempt for government employees is evidence of a lack of compassion for those working in government. I know from my own experience. I used to spend a lot of time using the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy gathering interesting records from various tax agencies and I did that for a business. I even got to know a few Disclosure Officers. I even met with a few of them.

These are not dumb people. Yes, they may or may not be working against their own interests, and perhaps they are enslaving others, as you put it. But if you want to fix the system, well, I'm pretty sure we'll need everyone to be involved in fixing the system, including those in government.

One thing I learned while filing those requests and getting records is this: if I want those records, and I don't want the Disclosure Officer to round-file my request, and I want to avoid appealing a denial of release of records, or even litigation, I had to be friendly and courteous with the Disclosure Officer. The work I was doing was to fix the system. I knew from talking to them, that they just wanted to go to sleep at night knowing they did the right thing. So do you.

I think that everyone wants to sleep at night knowing they did the right thing. I have compassion for people, even if they work in government. I am learning about anarchy and voluntarism and that takes time. So far, I've seen that anarchists and voluntarists appear to have compassion for everyone, and the principles of non-aggression make their compassion plain to see.

I eventually stopped doing that FOIA work, but I came away from it with one thing in mind. If I see government as a machine, it will act like a machine. If I see government as incompetent, then I will fail to see the competence in government.

I'm not saying you should think like me. I'm just offering some food for thought. If you want to change the system, you might consider the possibility that you need the people in the system to help you change it. You know, like making them your ally. And that might require a sense of compassion for them.

I've tried it and it worked for me. You might want to give it a try yourself.

Even entrepreneurs can be incompetent. If they learn from their mistakes, they become "successful entrepreneurs".

Yes I agree entrepreneurs can. And they have an incentive to do so.
Government employees, however, don't have to learn from their mistakes and they don't have to be successful, they get their money by way of violence or thread of violence through extortion.
I even hope they stay under productive and are as lazy as can be, and that they are not successful in harassing people with thousands of laws, licenses, stickers, stamps, having them jumping through hoops or crawling to get permission to do things with their own body and property.

I.m.h.o. you can't fix a system that is build on violence. What is there to fix?

If you want to change the system, you might consider the possibility that you need the people in the system to help you change it. You know, like making them your ally. And that might require a sense of compassion for them.

I have compassion for the human being But I can not respect their job.
Everything they do, everything they use, form the pen they use to write with, to the chair they sit in, to the money they get every month, is payed for by extorting money from people that worked hard for it. And everything they do with that money is continuing this system of extortion and violence.

I.m.o. The system can not be in ........a system of slavery can not be fixed.

I've been an anarchist my whole life, and this is factually incorrect. Pure mental masturbation! We don't go against the grain, we just expose the corruption.. Also the government doesn't even fucking exist.. It's just a thing that everyone blames when shit goes tits up.. It's white upper class men who do corrupt things, and they have names and addresses.. but saying oh its the government, is the most mindless thing one can do.

There is no anarchist manifesto. There is no dogma. An anarchist can do whatever they want.

If you have been an anarchist all your life then you are doing it wrong. I advice to smoke less of that kanja and do more of the actual thinking.

Nepotism is like as Blood in body..To power is corruption and to absolutely power is absolutely corruption..Government has actually become a safe haven for criminals who use authority and power to suppress ideas of many others

hmmmm, interesting view to share on such a sensitive subject like this. Thanks for sharing

I had very pleased to read it.
And this ..."They only see what is in front of them and they use stupendous arguments to defend their position." .... My personal opinion is that the politician is a regular accountant. who have no creativity or vision, who follows the words in the book. I'm sorry to say that, but if me a not high-educated person, can already feel it, there is something very rotten.

Say no to the corruption, nepotism, collusion

nice post i will done upvote I always see your post.

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