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RE: Education, Activism, & Agorism
His name is Nick Taylor. He's running for nc district 25. We're going to be setting up a website and Facebook soon. We've been going to town hall meetings lately introducing himself. His personal email is [email protected] mine is [email protected] I was trying to run for nc Senate but had unfortunate medical issues ended up in the hospital and missed out on the filing date.
Hey... somehow unfortunate things work out for the best in the long run. Perhaps you can manage his campaign. I gather the race is probably 100k population or so? I'll send you and he an email. What we need to do is till the land for a local version of what Adam is doing on a national level. ...centered on y'all's next race for Governor after 2020, once NC becomes its own sovereign nation. So, spreading his "Freedom!" book across everyone's desk and IPhone is priority number one, asap.