Rally For Reason Against AntiFa & Nazism - No More Divide!

in #freedom7 years ago

rally for reason against antifa and nazism.png

It's time to stand for reason in Winnipeg as two extremes clash.

No matter what we stand for, we're called "nazis", "fascists", "racists" or some other derogatory term by the AntiFa left.
Meanwhile, the altright is feeding into their frenzy by encouraging authoritarian Marxism and obsessing over white culture.

AntiFa calls themselves "anarchist" while pushing the biggest most oppressive form of government... Communism.

The alt-right calls themselves "right" while supporting authoritarian collectivist rule, calling for a Pinochet type take over and in some cases actually calling for an ethno-state.

All this is doing is further dividing the populace. Everyone's infighting instead of fighting the actual problems we face.

We are standing against communism, socialism, fascism, nazism... We are fighting against coercive COLLECTIVISM!

All the while, the vast majority of people aren't either extreme. The media is propping up these insane "causes" and the state is sitting there, grinning, licking their lips as the populace brings itself to collapse. And liberty dies with thunderous applause.

AntiFa is made up of a bunch of gullible college and university kids who just regurgitate identities they see on TV to be trendy and fashionable. It's fashionable to be a white knight, playing identity poitics without an actual political view or understanding. Most of them are lashing out at "daddy" and while claiming to be anti-fascist and anti-oppression, they are propping up a fascist and oppressive system. Recently Todd McDougall of Winnipeg Alternative Media hosted a rally against state run mainstream media and their propagation of war. AntiFa considered that fascist (even though state run media is LITERALLY fascist) as well as white supremacy. So they showed up, threw things at him, called him names, tried to pull his pants down, spit at him and acted like a bunch of spoiled children. They acted like fascists against opposing views.

While the alt-right begun under odd circumstances and was a mix of libertarian and conservative ideology, it quickly instead transformed into this walking stereotype far from libertarianism and fell into extreme national socialism and in many cases fascism. Triggered by the AntiFa crowd begging for safe spaces, they want to make the entire country a safe space. They are ruining true opposition to the insanity we know as AntiFa and the far left collectivist radicals and encouraging MORE insanity. In return, AntiFa's encouraging them.

This is causing vast infighting. People are getting beaten up and labeled as a nazi or a commie from either side for simply voicing their opinions.
They could stand in the street and call for freedom of speech and they're somehow a "nazi."
They could stand in the street against police brutality and they're a "commie."

It quickly becomes the boy who cried wolf. Everyone becomes blanketly labeled as some cartoonish stereotype regardless of the substance of their message. Suddenly these words don't mean anything anymore.

You call everyone you disagree with a nazi or a fascist and that gives you perceived moral rights to suppress what they say and beat them up.

You call everyone you disagree with a communist and you do the same.

This goes in circles forever.

Let's show this crazy world that we are not just a bunch of divided polarized extremes. The vast majority of us are civil and willing to converse. We are not racist or begging for an ethnostate and we are not spoiled aristocratic communist trust fund kids trying to cause chaos and divide.

It's bad enough that for so long, so many Winnipeggers have been too apathetic to speak for what they believe in. Now most Winnipeggers are scared to go to events talking about issues because they don't want to be categorized and potentially attacked, even possibly put their employment at risk.

Let's remind this city that we are not the people the media claims we are. We can still have conversations and on Saturday, September 30th, we WILL converse.

If either side wants to show up and act out violently and make themselves look stupid, they can go right ahead, but we won't stand for it. We are civilized people and we will NOT be silenced.

Let us not bring upon the great Orwellian divide. The notion that "War is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength."

If you're in Winnipeg, you can find the event here:



when friends of mine complain about social issues or about social topics they want to protest.... i ask them "what about that meeting going on in jacksonhole?... will you protest them"

They will respond "jackson-what?!"

I think most politically "aware" people have their efforts focused on the symptoms and not the cause

@johnsneissen reported from jackson hole just a couple weeks ago so they have done their due diligence in staying current with the finger pointed at the correct individuals. I don't know about you but in Canada things are really tense. @joshsigurdson is all about gettin rid of the dirty debt based fiat currency central banking ponzi scheme. At least now more people are in the know. Im currently in the middle of a 5 part series called [A Century of False Flags] which neatly deatails 5 false flag events that the US military industrial complex used to justify and declare war. If it were not for these deceptions, the planet may have been much different

Oh i hope my comment wasnt taken the wrong way, i like josh's videos/efforts.... im saying how most people will kill themselves over something like the minimum wage.... but not realize the central bank is the reason for destruction in purchasing power

Hey ,
Very interesting read, Thanks you for sharing it!

Get some Josh. This is a cool idea. Would love to see others do similar rallies. Depending on the turnout and interest level at upcoming county libertarian meetings I'm organizing, we might try to do something similar.

Awesome! It needs to happen. These cartoonish polarized extremes pushed by the media are ripping us apart. Time we have civil conversations and purge these violent collectivist radicals from both sides. It's making it incredibly difficult to converse with and reason with people.

Thanks for sharing... Love it.

as the economy tanks there will be further divide (according to history). If everyone is working, then "they" will be occupied; rather than occupying..

Sounds like America is tearing itself apart from the inside?

I had a five part series written on the intricacies of the political spectrum and the historical roots of the conflict, but alas, I wiped my computer and assumedmy onenote saved it in my cloud but did not. Maybe because the situation really is pretty simple; people deserve to live with dignity, free of political and economic subservience. The fact of the matter is that divide and conquer is still that status quo as the elites would love to see us kill each other rather than question their authority. @pressfortruth has also bee doing some solid videos on this issue too and you saw what happened to them when they are at the "anti-islamaphobia" rally.

It's a page right out of Mein Kamph. Hitler would go to a town to speak and the communists would rabble rouse, throw things and try to drive away the spectators. The early Storm Troopers were Hitler's supporters and body guards who would go into the crowd and fight with the protesters so that Hitler could give his speech. Since Mein Kamph is not required reading in the American and Canadian school systems, this is a perfect example of "if history is fogotten it tends to repeat itself."

Now most Winnipeggers are scared to go to events talking about issues because they don't want to be categorized and potentially attacked, even possibly put their employment at risk.

This is exactly what the government wants and why it does not use police to stop the violence. They don't want people going out and hearing what either the right or the left has to say. (ignorance is strength) Meanwhile, the MSM spins the story to frighten those sitting in front of the boob tube even more.

People have a right to assemble and air their grievances and those who don't agree are free to not listen. That's being a mature adult.

Government doesn't want educated and informed citizens. That's why books like Mein Kamph (it's not even in my spell checker), Marx's Communist Manifesto and even Ted Kazinski's Unibomber Manifesto are not required reading in school. They're afraid students might learn to think for themselves.

Just making these statements will make some people accuse me of being a white supremicist, NAZI fascist, but let me assure you, I'm a democratic anarchist right to the bone. Self rule, without authority.

Good post. Keep up the good work. This tiny minnow upped the vote.

Good luck, Josh, but I fear there will be plenty of people showing up to cause a ruckus.

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