Freedom of living in Marocco
Hello, my name is John1Black. I am younger brother of famous Joe Blacka. I would like to help you, how to live free in this world, full of manipulation, fake news and also unfair prosecution.So I decided to prepare a blog for You in two langueages. Slovak and English .The most important thing, when you decide to live in anonymity, its preparation. So we start with this. Instead of reading blog, You should also order personal consultation.
First step . Preparation. Preparation is most important part of Your leaving strategy.It has some more important steps. First its good to choose a country, where you want to live. You still need to have on Your mind, that a lot of things in countrys changes so often. There is a lot of goverment changes, bussines strategy changes, account anonymity changes.. So lets start with list of countrys, which is freedom friendly in year 2020
We could start with my personal favourite. Place of paradise and sun, country Maroko and city of Tangier. Tangier is the second biggest port in Maroko a and also paradise of secret services. Place, where you can buy everything. Tangier is specific in payment services. You should pay by cash, by cryptocurrency and also with gold. Maroko , but specially Tangier, could delete some of the stamps in your passport. Or you ned new passport ? In Tangier is nothing impossible. Our Guy in Maroko, could help always help You. Another advance in Tangier, is multiculturality. You should speak English, Arab, French, Spain and also Portugal..That is because of cultur changes and owner chagnes in Tangier. Rent of flat is cost around 500 USD/ month. Fresh fruits and fresh fishes is avaible just for small chips. So if you have your expanzive house in your country. You should sell it and move here. Also there is a beautiful beaches.
Another big advantages of Tangier is a lot of small criminality.This put chance, to somebody look for You to just hypotetical. And if You must leave Your country. Because of unfair court, there is so small chance to police write some letters to Arab, to give you back :D
In second part, we will look to another freedom country and some comparation of life .
Freedom Of Speech