Saturn Cult Cabal - Control of Mainstream and Alternative Media - Part 2

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

This Is the second part of a two part article on the Saturn Cult's (Zionist) control of the Mainstream and Alternative Media, the link to my first article Is below and exposes how the western mainstream media Is completely controlled by one organization, The Council On Foreign Relations, CFR.

The Saturn Cult, Talmudic Cabal, are fundamentally Communists and they were the very force behind the Bolshevik revolution In Russia, which led to the creation of the Communist totalitarian state of the Soviet Union. The demonic Saturn Cult behind this have a long established plan of a New World Order, Dawn Of A New Day and along with the Star Of Saturn and the Black Cube there Is one other symbol that Is associated with these demonic EL-ites and this symbol Is the Soviet Coat Of Arms, which graphically depicts their agenda. This Symbol, which Is below, shows the Sun rising up between two hills coming up behind the, Saturn/Satanic Inspired, Free-masonic globe to depict their Dawn Of A New Day, which Is now clearly a technocracy, with transhu-man beasts that serve them, this demonic future Is supposed to result In the depopulation of mankind via chemical and GMO/RNAI manipulation of our food supply and 4G/5G microwave destruction of our DNA. Recent scientific testing of the levels of microwave radiation put out by 4G and 5G towers show levels In the hundreds of thousands, up to 1,250,000 million micro watts, we are seeing a planned extermination occurring right now via these millimetre, military grade, microwave towers and chem trails and I would advise everyone to make sure these towers come down by any and all means necessary.

Saturn Cult - British Israel Federation:

Soviet Coat Of Arms.png

Within this article I am addressing the alternative media, controlled opposition, that Is being used by these Communist Satanic EL-ites to subvert an uprising by American patriots. It Is a well known tactic of these Communists to seek to control the opposition. "The best way to control the opposition, Is to lead It ourselves." 'Vladimir llyich Lenin'
All the alternative media I mention, within this article, I am 100% sure are controlled opposition, many of these deceivers I myself used to listen to, unaware that they were being deliberately deceptive on key Issues. Many reading this article may not yet have woken up to certain truths and that supposed historical events, like the Holocaust 6 million gassing, are lies and many may not realize that Adolf Hitler, not only, shut down all the, satanic, Freemasonic lodges and Secret Societies, within Germany, In 1936/37, he also arrested and jailed a Rothschild In Austria. There Is no doubt, In my mind, he was opposed to the Khazarian, Ashke-nazi Jews and his actions more than proved this. Another thing that confirms this Is the labeling of National Socialists and the Wehrmacht as Nazis, which comes form the word Ashke-nazi, It Is a well known Communist, Saul Alinsky, tactic of labeling their enemies with what they are. The reason I mention the Holocaust Is because this Is one thing that the controlled opposition, without exception, will not question.

Six Million Jews Lie Before WWII:

The first Saturn Cult, controlled opposition, agent I'm going to talk about Is Alex Jones and his InfoWars show. Alex Jones Is a CIA asset, InfoWars Is a controlled opposition platform which Is linked to Time Warner which owns CNN. Alex Is clearly loyal to alphabet agencies like CIA linked company Stratfor. Alex Jones has people working for him who are directly out of Startfor, which Is a CIA company and he has openly admitted, on numerous occasions, that fifty percent of his family have worked for the CIA. There Is a massive amount of evidence to show that Alex Jones Is not genuine In what he Is doing, he Is just the right side of the false left/right, false paradigm, divide and conquer strategy of the demonic Saturn Cult. The Talmudic EL-ites know that they will have opposition periodically and like I quoted earlier In the article, the best way to control the opposition Is to lead It and to mix truth In with false hoods. This Is what these controlled opposition leaders do, they tell you a bunch of great Information, maybe 80% of what they say Is spot on but then there Is the most Important truths that they either wont touch or blatantly lie about and this Is leading you down the garden path to nowhere and ultimately the loss of all your freedoms. Alex Jones and all his employees primary purpose Is to suppress the patriots from rising up and dethroning the EL-ites power structure.
One of the most outrageous lies I saw Alex Jones tell, only recently, was that Donald Trump had saved Israel from the New World Order plan to destroy It. So he wants you to believe that the Rothschild's who created Israel, as their future ruling state as part of the greater Israel project by Odid Yinnon, having war after war In the middle east to expand Israel to Greater Israel, he wants you to believe that they now wanted to destroy It, If that Isn't a contradiction I don't know what Is.

Alex Jones Before Selling Out:

Agent Shill - Alex Jones & David Icke.jpeg

The British version of Alex Jones Is David Icke and what both of these disinformation agents have In common Is they are totally over the top, Alex with his Bill Hicks exaggerated acting and David Icke with his ridiculous assertions that the Moon Is hollow and the EL-ites are Reptilians who control mankind. So If you honestly believe that David Icke Is 100% telling the truth, why does he never question the Holocaust, or the freemasonic globe lie? Both Alex and David never question the Holocaust or the Moon Landings, both of which are 100% lies. A Holocaust Is a Jewish word that refers to a burnt sacrificial offering and this Is what was done to the Innocent German civilians, many of them children, when the al-lied forces fire bombed German City after City, genociding millions of Innocent people, something which the Germans did not do. These are the biggest war crimes ever committed and because they were done by the Saturn Cabal, who control the western media, many do not know of these factual truths.

Ernst Zundel - The Great Holocaust Trial:

There Is more evidence that Alex Jones and InfoWars are part of the freemasonic EL-ite, because the Cabal use freemasonic codes within all their false flag psychological operations and they use a Pythagorean or Chaldean Numerology Chart, to code their false flag deceptions. Alex Jones In Pythagorean Numerology Is 33 and InfoWars In Chaldean Numerology Is 33, the charts are below so you can work this out for yourself.

Pythagorean Numerollogy.jpeg

A + L + E + X + J + O + N + E + S
1 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 1 = 33

Chaldean Numerology.jpeg

I + N + F + O + W + A + R + S
1 + 5 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 33

Agent Shill - Stefan Molyneux 2.jpeg

So how many of these Saturn Cult (Zionist) Agents are there? unfortunately there are many that are towing the line on both the false left and right, the majority of the false left Is completely controlled and a vast amount of the false right are too, either they are co-opted or to afraid of the consequences of tackling the major truths.
One of these successful, alternative media, presenters Is Stefan Molyneux who In past years has stated the absurdity of the official 911 story and how It Is Impossible for planes to have flown through a structural steel building. Nowadays he has done a complete 180 and calls anyone speaking out to expose this false flag as conspiracy theorists. The videos below this paragraph completely expose his deceptive rhetoric. We also have Paul Joseph Watson speaking out against Zionism and Israel for years and now he states there Is no Jewish conspiracy, even though It's plainly obvious that the Rothschild's and Talmudic Vatican have placed Jews In positions of power throughout the governments and media. This Saturn Cult Cabal follow the Talmud and see all non-jews as beasts, here to serve them and right at this moment there Is a silent war going on where they are slowly genociding people In an ongoing Agenda 21 depopulation agenda.
Other shills on the right are Owen Shroyer & Jack Posobeic, defending the holocaust lie, Lauren Southern (Simonsen) who Is Jewish, Tara McCarthy and Mark Dice who defends the Sandy Hook False Flag and very recently we have Cody Snodgress an alleged whistle blower who In every Interview he does he has to bring up the Holocaust lie and attack the Germans, so the established alternative media Is almost as Infiltrated as the mainstream media. I have Included my real truthers list below and It Is up to all of us to research thoroughly and speak the whole truth without exception because the Truth Is the Light and the Way to Freedom.

D Tube Video Exposing Stefan Molyneux:

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