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RE: The Holocaust Deception, Psychological Operation

in #freedom7 years ago

This soulra1ser Is a disinformation troll, protecting the Rothschild/Jesuit One Game Agenda. By backing up the Holocaust deception with more lies and disinformation.
Adolf Hitler was a righteous messenger of Truth, who fought against the Jewish Bankers satanic agenda. Even the great patriot JFK called him "One Of The Greatest Men." The Fuhrer was protecting the Norse germanic people and the Natural Way. The below video shows the respect the Germans had for other races. Sieg Heil.


Adolf Hitler (Rothschild agent) was a jew-puppet and financed by Rothschild banking cartel, big corporations, Roman Empire (Jesuits) and Zionist Jews! I AM exposing Rothschild agents for years already! You're the one who is the disinformation agent that is spreading propaganda! Adolf Hitler and NAZI's are criminals, eugenicists and mass-murders and are guilty for war crimes against humanity!

Hitler "protected" his people by getting them into a war which completely destroyed Germany.

Hitler called for peace several times with the UK and the US until the Jewish Bankers declared war on him.

The Holocaust Is an obvious lie and has been proven so, that massive lie means likely the majority of what we have been told Is a lie. Atrocities were committed on both sides, but the war crimes were done by the Allies when they fire bombed German cities like Dresden Incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians, In the space of twenty minutes, this whole war orchestrated by the Jewish/Jesuit evil demons who played the whole of Europe off against each other, massacring seventy million people. Hitler tried for peace with the UK and the US on several occasions because he didn't want to see the German and British people hurt, he wanted peace.

You're just showing NAZI propaganda videos that is pure indoctrination and deception! Even if the Holocaust was fake he still killed millions of innocent people! Because Adolf Hitler shipped the Jews to create to Zionist state of ISRAEL that is owned by Rothschild!

The Rothschild/Jesuit created state of Israel wasn't created till 1948, Hitler had passed on then so get your facts straight.

Adolf Hitler faked his Death was proved by the KGB!

This Is the same Russia that tell everyone that the world Is a sphere and we can actually get past low Earth orbit, and that outer space exists, they're A-lie-n to you.

"FBI Released a Document Proving Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun fled to Argentina in a Submarine"

Ex-CIA Bob Baer, “an agent with more than 21 years of field [operative] experience — claims that newly declassified evidence suggests that Adolph Hitler faked his own death before escaping to the Canary Islands by air before continuing to Argentina,” on a German U-boat.

Soulra1ser: you are far more deluded than you can possibly imagine. Stalin was a vile parasite who hated Adolf Hitler and was a Jewish puppet from head to toe along with the K.G.B. and N.K.V.D. so claiming that they "proved" Adolf Hitler faked his death is as credible as believing 6,000,000 were holocausted by Adolf Hitler.

  • On May 3, Smersh operatives finally discovered Hitler’s body along with that of Eva Braun in the chancellery garden; the two corpses had been doused in gasoline and set on fire by SS aides, in accordance with Hitler’s orders, and then buried in a shell crater. The Soviets smuggled the remains to an improvised morgue in Buch, a suburb of Berlin. Hitler’s body was too badly burned to be recognizable, so the jaws were removed since they offered the best means of identification. The assistant to Hitler’s dentist was tracked down and brought to examine them.

  • Käthe Heusermann(Hitler’s dental assistant) was interrogated by the Soviet N.K.V.D. and forced to test and verify that the jaw did in fact belong to Adolf Hitler. The unique bridge-line of Adolf Hitlers jaw concluded beyond the shadow of doubt that the jaw did in fact belong to Hitler

  • A drill mark that was left by Dr. Hugo Blaschke was another distinct identifier that Heusermann used to verify the jaw did indeed belong to the Führer

  • On May 8, he was brought in a hospital of Berlin’s suburbs to be examined. On May 9, his dentures found on the cadaver were shown to the assistant of Hitler’s personal dentist (Lamendin, 2002) and to the dental mechanic who had made them. Echtmann (KeiserNielsen, 1992) recalled that the Soviets had shown him a lower jaw which had been cremated with two gold bridges and another one divided into nine pieces which was also in gold and which was coming from his jawbone.

  • Stalin didn’t like this fact and upon confirming the body did indeed belong to Adolf Hitler, Stalin attempted to conceal this fact by claiming through propaganda that Adolf Hitler had escaped Berlin and was hiding in Bavaria(American controlled part of Germany at the end of the war)

  • Stalin was obsessed with every detail about his archenemy Hitler, whom he both feared and admired in a distorted way. The investigations of his death were meticulous, as the Smersh reports show.

  • Witnesses to the suicide and the burning of the bodies were interviewed again and again by Smersh and the N.K.V.D., and some by the British — in fact, by the historian Hugh Trevor-Roper, who wrote “The Last Days of Hitler.”

The fact that Adolf Hitler did in fact commit suicide is not even up for debate. You however chose to be brainwashed and deluded with lies and propaganda. Without a single shred of factual evidence to support your claims you resort to twisting and turning of photos or quotes taken out of context to fit your deluded narratives which only proves your sheepleness because you will slurp up what ever goy feed you are given. You're not exposing anything other than your illiteracy, naiveness and lack of true understanding of history. Education over indoctrination. You couldn't be more wrong about Adolf Hitler.

p.s. internet memes aren't factual evidence.

Adolf Hitler was Jew-Zionist Masonic Rothschild and Jesuit-Roman Catholic agent! The jewish-Holocaust was faked to create the state of ISRAEL! ISRAEL is Rothschild owned and control all big banks, politics and corporations!

There's an author named Gregg Hallett, who says Hitler was a British agent. I believe it!

Adolf Hitler was a puppet and secret agent for the Royal Elites and banking cartel. The British Royals also are also German (Roman) decent from the Bavarian Illuminati and reptilian-draco bloodlines!

Adolf Hitler was Jew-Zionist Masonic Rothschild and Jesuit-Roman Catholic agent!

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