RE: The Trump / Q-Anon psyop - Good guy / bad guy theater on the way to a one world government: Part 2 - Q the Zionist psy-op
In my opinion it does not even matter if someone is a gatekeeper or just stupid. The result is pretty much the same. My strategy is to simply stay away from these people. I've made the experience that it is nearly impossible nowadays to change anyone's mind or opinion. We truly live in a post-fact society. Q-Anon or Flat-earth folks are pretty much the same kind. It's not a good idea to start a discussion, there is no end to it and mostly it ends badly. So I usually comment only on posts I essentially agree with and stay away from stuff that is too dumb or obvious disinformation. Unfortunately there are only very few out there I really agree with. We seem to be an absolute minority. Generations of fluoridation and indoctrination take it's toll. As someone said "You can't cure stupid" :)
I certainly agree that you can't cure stupid, but sometimes you can help people realize that they need to think differently and deeper (if it's not just a stupidity problem.) Not sure if that's possible here, but if it is, then sometimes it's worth trying to make a difference. The question is then when to just give up trying..
That's right. We can't stop trying, we owe it to ourselves, even if the chances are dismal. And actually I've also made the experience that some guys I thought to be shills at first turned out to be OK. Some are just ignorant of certain facts and come to the wrong conclusions but later learn and change their perspective.
Keep up the great work, you are one of the few...
Thank you. You as well. Keep up the good fight..