3 Days of National Anti-Prohibition demonstrations planned for April 2018

in #freedom7 years ago

3 Days of National Anti-Prohibition demonstrations planned for April 2018

2016 cannabis caucus rally. Photo by Nicholas Kanm

We've come so far!

It’s been a long battle since 1911 when Massachusetts began what would become a deadly war on drugs by suddenly requiring it’s citizens get a prescription from a registered doctor in order to consume “Indian Hemp” or cannabis. An attempt to demonize the indigenous population perhaps? We’ll address that at a later time... Fast forward about 30 years when the tax act of 1937 made it so expensive to transfer hemp that eventually all of the farmers in America were forced to abandon the crop. In just 30 years, “authority” figures had pulled off what could go down in history as the biggest scam in America. They convinced an entire population through lies and propaganda, that this plant, put here long before our feet ever walked the planet that had used throughout history for medicine, textile and food was dangerous! A frightening example of how powerful the propaganda machine can be.

We made it through the days of reefer madness when the propaganda machine began to solidify an unfair stigma in the minds of the majority of America. by the 1970’s, the federal government had classified this healing, multi-purpose god given resource as a schedule 1 drug locking in the demonization of cannabis.

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of peaceful, hard working people were being harassed, ticketed, incarcerated and even killed just for consuming or possessing cannabis. The hippy movement fought hard to break the stigma and educate the community and made great strides by initiating a movement of peace, nature and freedom of choice. This is America! Land of the Free! How dare our government demonize an entire population simply for their choice to consume cannabis?

Fast forward another 30 years and we finally see some results as California made history in 1996 with the passing of Prop. 215 which allowed for Californians to consume cannabis without the fear of retaliation so long as they were under the care of a doctor. By 2001, Nevada took the first steps towards legalization by decriminalizing the use and possession of small amounts of cannabis, seeing a drastic reduction of their prison population. Finally! Some Americans could experience a little bit of freedom again!

Here we are, another 20 years down the road, just under 100 years from the beginning of the prohibition movement and 30 states plus the District of Columbia have legalized cannabis on some level. Trouble still confronts folks living in any of these 30 states however. Although cannabis legislation is in place, there are hundreds of “gray areas” that exist because cannabis is still classified as a schedule 1 substance and considered illegal on a federal level.

The Battle Rages On!

Dispensaries that are operating legally within their states guidelines are being raided, cultivation operations are being destroyed, and just last year in 2017, over 650,000 Americans were charged for cannabis “crimes”. We have not yet reached freedom of choice and we will not be able to until the federal government changes the archaic laws put in place that continue to make victims of the citizens of America.

I receive countless emails on a day to day basis from people experiencing hardship and discrimination as a result of their decision to medicate naturally. One of the many issues that continues to pop up in my inbox is housing rights. Did you know that while people in legal states are free from the fear of prosecution for medicating with cannabis, a large population still face the fear of eviction. Yes, you read that correctly. cannabis users in legal states still live with the reality that themselves and their family could be put out of their homes for a non-violent peaceful decision that they’ve made. This includes people living in HUD housing or on Federal housing, veterans living in military housing communities and students living in college dorms.

I couldn’t imagine having to live under that kind of stress, knowing I wasn't breaking any laws, the bills were paid up but I was still at risk of eviction. There is an absolute need for an immediate response to protect the safety and security of hundreds of thousands of citizens. If we don’t speak up, things will NEVER change!

Unless you hate America and the Constitution we live under (which by the way, was written on hemp fiber paper) you can’t disagree with the notion that people have the right to choose in this country. If damage isn’t being done, no one is getting hurt and the peace isn't being disturbed, we have the right to do it… no matter what “It” is, this includes the use of cannabis.

Coming this April, Nationwide, you will have your chance to be heard!

The 2018 Bring It Home Campaign will bring us 3 days of public demonstrations around the nation to support the people who are still forced to choose one freedom for the other. Each day will be focused on an individual group still living under tyranny.

Day 1: HUD housing Rights
Day 2: Veteran Housing Rights
Day 3: Student Housing RIghts

Demonstrations continue to be confirmed in cities across the country but more response is needed! You can find demonstrations in your area by visiting the Bring It Home event page on Facebook. If you see that there is no demonstration planned in your area and you or a group you know would be interested in organizing a local demonstration, you can find out how through the event link as well.

It’s time to respond Canna Crusaders! DO NOT let them put our neighbors on the streets! Speak up, educate and validate! It’s time to eliminate the stigma!


Excellent cause I will make sure to share

Thank you 🙏 #spreadpeace #squashthestigma keep up the good fight brother ✌️💚🤘

Cool stuff. We're going to need this in Canada, too ;)

What are the laws in Canada currently?

I will be there. Toni

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