If we won't tolerate excess, we can't have liberty.
I think one of the most concise ways of explaining why we believe in freedom is to say -- with liberty comes excess. If we won't tolerate excess, we can't have liberty.
I'm constantly asked why I need the liberty to say certain things or, particularly, have a specific gun.
I'm regard to speech, I personally don't need the right to deny the Holocaust, because I'm not a fucking idiot. I don't need the right to shout "Gas the Jews!" because I'm not a racist idiot like a lot of college students. I don't personally need the right to say a lot of things.
I'm still going to defend the right. Some people, even if they're bad people, do need the right. Offensive speech, as Brendan O'Neill put it, is the motor of human progress. It's the lifeblood of liberalism and modernity. Even the most radical, conservative speech bolsters liberalism when we defended it.
Do I personally need to own a machine gun? Probably not. And I don't. I probably couldn't afford one.
Should people be allowed to own whatever gun they want? Yeah. If course. Without a doubt.
We might not need the gun now; but, the Second Amendment is there so we have a fighting chance against the government.
Asking, "Why do you need that?" is starting off with the wrong question.
I can actually give you practical reasons for why I have every gun that I own; but, that's not the freaking point.