RE: TSA agents lie to avoid accountability!
I flew a lot when I was in the us, and I fly a lot now that I am in SE Asia. I got here in 2016.
It is night and day how the security agents act. In the states I was constantly being groped and made to feel like a criminal. I used to feel sick when I was in line.
In SE Asia - they are very lax about everything and extremely nice if they do need to do any kind of search. I never even think about security until I get to it here.
Half the time, no one is even looking at anything being screened at all - I'm talking about an unmanned machine that we all still feed our stuff through. I have been told to just take my stuff and walk around the machines on two different flights and so was not screened at all.
The whole thing is such a farce anyway. If they would just identify their mind-controlled mk victims, we could just screen them and be done with it. Everyone else is just trying to get to where they are going.
And by the way - I no longer need to take off my shoes in most of the airports now that I'm here. Apparently it only in the us where shoes are weapons :)
I dislike TSA moron agents with a passion. They're there to have a cheap feel, well many of them. I no longer enjoy a flight everyone is so uptight and stressed... and groped.
In Australia people have been known to throw a shoe or a sandwich at politicians they don't like. I think that is an effective form of protest. I think the sandwich throwing was more amusing though. That said, TSA touched my junk on my way into the USA ten days ago. I felt like I should have become friends on Facebook after the very familiar way that TSA girl felt me up - or at least she should have bought me a drink