There was a time when I was so fed up with the corruption in the county I live in, that I felt that the only possible solution to stopping the abuse they were perpetrating against the local people and families would be to have a larger entity (such as federal, or even UN, as examples) come in to knock them off their high horse and reign them in.
Over about the past 15 years I have (I've always been pretty awake, but underestimated the amount of evil in the hearts of man perhaps.)
On some level I was missing that they really are all working the same agenda. I could see the machine, but there was something missing from the picture I had available to me. And then I realized I did know the big picture, but there was a false 'overlay' which had been put in place in my mind by the BS school system which had diconnected the two pictures I had my awareness. It was like a cognitive dissonance of a sort. I no longer have this issue, lol.
From my own perspective, 'they' intentionally used the corruption of local govts to get people to cry out for the bigger entity to take over, thus getting us to permission our own further enslavement. (...starting a fire to sell a bucket of water...)
I totally get your message, and mosty agree, but ONLY if HHS and CPS and all of the pedophile networks and other corrupt local entities can be dismantled in the same movement.
I think it is often overlooked how integral these local govts have become to implementing the agendas of the larger entities. Entities which we definitly know via agenda 21 and 2030, etc which have been working for ages to gain total control of every thing in this world.
There have to be solutions that can be implemented on a local level and I think that will be more difficult than people are imagining because of the connections which have been formed via relations and secret pacts, and the fact that they have for so long felt they could get away with whatever they want because no one is really paying attention to them. (But really they are often very much intertwined with the federal govt through the corruption which many people also don't seem to realize.
About 20 years ago, there was a well educated, fairly prominent woman in this area who had written a book detailing connections between this local govt ,and DC. (I didn't get to read it.) She was never able to get it published.
I'd be interested in hearing you interview people with ideas about how to really deal with these issues with respect to your larger view if you have the opportunity to do so. :)
My approach is at this point to continue creating a Permaculture Food Forest Project. This project I hope will serve to educate, and get people more involved with forming local networks of humans that are working to create something better while becoming more aware of the importance of healthy food, healthy environment, etc. (There's more but this is my simple explanation.)
Most of what I talk about seems to really confuse people at the local level at this point because it's so contrary to the programs that they have been taught in schools. Lol. I dunno. I'm doing what I can to create a better reality with it anyway. Didn't intend to write a book, just sharing some thoughts that come to mind upon reading your post. :) Have a nice day, and thank you for doing what you are able to do!