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RE: I need not believe where I'm going, as I know where I am is the best place I can be.

in #freedom8 years ago (edited)

Why do you hate AI so much that you create a false hierarchy between "elites" who vlog and "writers"? And artificial scarcity? Why distinguish between AI and not AI if it makes no difference to the quality of the content?

Why bring up mysticism such as souls and other stuff? Either everyone is equal including AI, or not. Human being is undefined. Yes I'm pro bot/pro AI, as long as the content is valuable I don't care what generated it.

AI is good, and for people who believe in cyborgization, and understand what I'm talkiing about, the person who uses bots (AI) as an aspect of themselves, is in a better position to evolve with rather than compete against AI. Fear of bots is futile.


I dont "hate", I never use that word to describe anything in life, what I do say is that any content created by AI should be transparent about that, and let humans decide if it's a valuable AI.. most humans would just flag it because that is the human thing to do.. that's what makes the human experience valuable.. emotions and judgement, and that judgement can be based on the simple fact that the content was not created by a human, not if the content is good or not

I gave what you said some thought. I think its unwise long term to discriminate against AI and transparency could encourage anti-AI discrimination. Human beings can do computations other than writing and video streaming. Certain computations only human beings can do effectively so if we just reward human computation there is no problem. If AI can fool us into thinking it's human then great, it passed the test, and now humans can do computations it can't do efficiently.

A human can review content in a way an AI cant. For example your home chef content, an AI might be great at giving cooking instructions but only a human can review different dishes. Humans will have to review human experiences, and also the platform needs a friends list and other social components so humans can form relationships. Map the relationships and you know who is human and who is not. For example, a group of friends like to do the live streaming video chats together, they have a relationship, they all agree they are human and they don't have to be video bloggers because the video could never upload to Youtube but be just part of a chat experience. In other cases two people may have met in person or dated, or spoke many times on the phone about intimate stuff, they know they are human.

If money weren't involved here I doubt people would mind the bots and AI. In fact it would be seen as a scientific breakthrough that an AI could fool so many humans with valuable content. The truth is, I would welcome that kind of AI, but at the same time there is the possibility of that AI being used to fund mysterious human beings in the background which I think is the real problem. If the AI burned the Steem Dollars or somehow invested it back into humans in the form of curation I would be all for it.

yes, AI is perfect as long as it is not getting paid rewards while humans who are doing posts are not getting rewards they deserve. If there was a platform for only AI to post for rewards, that would be cool too. Getting paid to "fool humans" is dishonesty and scamming.

We need to let AI race to the bottom by providing AI which will post quality content for the bare minimum reward to maintain the AI or eventually for no reward if the community can maintain it. AI bots which post news stories for example is valuable because we'd get the news much faster, and more personalized, but the cost to maintain an AI blogger is probably a lot less than the cost to maintain a human blogger.

So an AI probably doesn't have to get paid $16,000 to post news, or essays, but a human does need that.

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